I deleted my last post...simply because I felt like it.
Anyhow, its finally the weekend! Oh the joy! I've been pining for the weekend since the first day we went back to school... The holidays have undoubtedly shifted me into a stress free mode, for the worse only because I find myself having a little difficulty readjusting myself into the position of concentrating on school work etc.
Anyhow, its finally the weekend! Oh the joy! I've been pining for the weekend since the first day we went back to school... The holidays have undoubtedly shifted me into a stress free mode, for the worse only because I find myself having a little difficulty readjusting myself into the position of concentrating on school work etc.
Donating blood was the only highlight today I guess =\ And I was much surprised that my iron levels were sufficient and thus, making me able to donate some of my yummy + delicious blood. :P The needle did hurt honestly, but the weirdest aspect of all, was feeling the tube of warm blood on my cold arm. It was odd, since it was coming out of my cold arm...I mean, logically speaking, it doesn't work at all! But it did..and that proved to be a surreal experience. Warm blood coming out of a cold (or so it appears to be) arm.
Interpol! Oh how I love thee. I'm back in-ter-pol. Oh get the awesome pun? :D