
Echoes from the otherworld turn horizons into endless ever present

life in dot point form:
  • why is it still so bloody cold? i am freezing as i type this out and am also listening to klaxon's new album. they've gotten rid of 'nu rave' now...and they sound like an entirely different band. i personally think it is a good thing. i personally recommend: echoes, twin flames, flashover and venusia.
  • i went to burwood today and ordered a shirt from general pants co. the guy who served me made me laugh..in the way that i laughed at him. gosh, i wrote down my details onto the piece of paper and that was all done. he said thanks for writing stuff then and proceeded to say bye by saying, 'peace' and used the peace sign. wtf? it struck me as a bit weird then i just really wanted to laugh at him. who the hell does that...seriously? i blame it on weird hipster culture.
  • i feel like listening to the yeah yeah yeahs now.

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