Why is Wesley Chan so dam cute? :(
I had an obsession with him back in October 2008...and now it's coming back again. He's so cute, gah!!! I want to hug him! Hahahahahahah
And this dude: Christopher Dinh -> he's the guy named 'Evan' in the short film:
Society and Mankind
That's it. I think I've lost all faith in society and mankind.
You must be kidding me. A freaking movie about Justin Bieber? How long has this kid been around for anyway huh? Not long. And 16 years worth of lifetime on this planet....I don't think he has adequate experience to guide others to 'Never Say Never'. Blah, Bieber, you were just scouted by whoever on youtube ya know? Blahhhhh!
You must be kidding me. A freaking movie about Justin Bieber? How long has this kid been around for anyway huh? Not long. And 16 years worth of lifetime on this planet....I don't think he has adequate experience to guide others to 'Never Say Never'. Blah, Bieber, you were just scouted by whoever on youtube ya know? Blahhhhh!
What is with this world? Nothing seems to be making any bloody sense nowadays.
Hell yes, I am procrastinating. Only done 2 freaking exams and I am ready to shoot myself...I procrastinated the whole morning by going on net-a-porter, looking at dresses I wish I could wear to my formal...but can't buy since they're all out of my budget...(by a lot to be exact). Went on urban outfitters as well; they're having free shipping...found a pair of leather shorts and now I do not know whether I should buy them or not. I've always wanted a pair though.
Hayfever strikes again in this weather. I went out for a afternoon stroll yesterday up my street and they wind blew violently and I came home feeling incredibly itchy in the nasal and throat passage. Took telfast and oh! I felt better immediately. The itch is still there but it's not unbearable.
I simply cannot wait until Monday....that would be the day where I'll pour out all of my Extension 2 maths knowledge onto the exam paper and walk out, never having to solve another complex number problem ever again. I'm hankering for that feeling...I know it will feel liberating, similar to that feeling I had after I finished the English paper. Never will I be required to analyse something that I don't believe in i.e. that a photograph can seriously capture messages of belonging (all because that's what the composer seriously intended for ey?). Free me!
Hayfever strikes again in this weather. I went out for a afternoon stroll yesterday up my street and they wind blew violently and I came home feeling incredibly itchy in the nasal and throat passage. Took telfast and oh! I felt better immediately. The itch is still there but it's not unbearable.
I simply cannot wait until Monday....that would be the day where I'll pour out all of my Extension 2 maths knowledge onto the exam paper and walk out, never having to solve another complex number problem ever again. I'm hankering for that feeling...I know it will feel liberating, similar to that feeling I had after I finished the English paper. Never will I be required to analyse something that I don't believe in i.e. that a photograph can seriously capture messages of belonging (all because that's what the composer seriously intended for ey?). Free me!
Dark Storm
I recently downloaded The Jezabels' newest EP, only to preview what it sounds like. And oh my goodness, definitely buying it after the HSC once I get time to stop by JB and stock up on some cheap CDs. The Jezabels definitely have got something going on there, they are seriously going to be so big when a big gun picks up their records and spins them. I am not forming coherent sentences right now since Paper 2 is over now...Ha! But wow....The Jezabels' Dark Storm EP is simply sensational. I am so smitten with this band. And what's even better is that they are Australian! Amazing stuff.
Dark Storm by The Jezabels
Dark Storm by The Jezabels
The importance of the comma
It's true what they say when they talk about punctuation...Without the use of a single comma, a sentence's meaning can totally change. Take for example a tweet from Oyster magazine:
'Billy Corgan is fucking amazing kids! #fb' Oyster Magazine
Really? Is he having sex with 'amazing kids' at a concert? Scandalous! And how does Oyster magazine have the dirt on this?
Perhaps the tweeter meant:
'Billy Corgan is fucking amazing, kids!' Yeah, he probably is awesome.
For a fashion magazine with an image focusing on the latest 'cool' frontrunning fashion and culture...such a mistake is laughable. I never bought Oyster and will probably never buy it now...I'm afraid I'll be finding more of such laughable clauses littered throughout the mag...
signing off.
HSC Starts...tomorrow
hey sgghs year 12,
good luck for tomorrow and beyond!!!
good luck for tomorrow and beyond!!!
Studying for my HSC, obviously.
Look what came in the mail today!!!

Your Love by The Aston Shuffle. Wow.

All I need is now
a) to be in Australia when the concert is on and
b) Have someone to come with me.
Your Love by The Aston Shuffle. Wow.
I must become a lion hearted girl
Things I don't like:
- When adults reply to my emails and don't use proper letter writing when I did in the first place.
- When people self diagnose themselves by checking up the internet. HUH?
- When we are encouraged to find language techniques e.g. tautology, metaphors etc. YET in our own creative writing, we are discouraged to use some specific ones since they are sometimes rather clichéd. WTF
- I hate it when people are insensitive.
- I don't like it when some people are so thick to the point they can't sense there's anything wrong - emotionally.
- I don't like House and Cuddy's new relationship. It's disgusting, please break up ASAP.
- I hate it how people plagiarise Calvin Harris' beats.
- I don't like long fingernails
- I despise the taste of purple onions. It is disgusting.
- I hate it when some old people push people on the trains etc
- I don't like it when some people always tell you to move on the trains because they're about to get off, when you are also about to get off. This happens at Kogarah. Far out, I understand if you don't catch this train often...BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A FREAKING COMMUTER TO ME WHO GETS OFF AT KOGARAH EVERYDAY, so if you were more observant, perhaps you'd realise that people wearing MY SCHOOL UNIFORM GET OFF OKAY? FAR OUT.
- I don't like it when....Well, I don't like this girl in my school maths class. She's a freak at maths though apparently, when people ask her shit she's always like, "OHHH I DON'T KNOW!!!' WELL, IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW, OUR MARKS IN THE HSC ALSO INFLUENCE YOURS SO IF YOU DON'T WANT US TO DO WELL AS A COHORT, YOU ARE JEOPARDISING YOUR ASPIRATIONS FOR YOUR INCREDIBLY HIGH ATAR COURSE AS WELL, FUCKER.
- I don't like it when some people change when they meet new people. They tend to neglect others. I kinda do try to talk, yet they don't really care. So I don't really care either in the end.
- I hate it when people say that Coldplay is shit. They're not shit. You're shit.
I sound really angsty and annoyed. Kinda am.
Sexy Song.
This is probably the song I love most from Interpol's 4th album. Success.
I think the sexiest aspect of this song is definitely the bass line.
What magic. Pure magic.
It sounds sexy. and makes me feel like a badass as well.
'I have succeeded, I won't be here for long. I'm not supposed to show you, I've got two secrets but I've only told you one....'
I think the sexiest aspect of this song is definitely the bass line.
What magic. Pure magic.
Only the young can break away.
It probably isn't truly the most appropriate time to mention this, but this song reminds me of the 'synthetic Vangelis' score in Blade Runner. Though, Brandon Flower's 'Only the Young' has amazing ethereal sounds that differentiate it from being entirely associated with the movie...
Studying makes me so tired! At the end of the day, I'm ready to slump on my bed and sleep the night away. I can't wait until the 4th of November...the day when I'll be entirely free. Although I do not want to lose all my knowledge of the shit I've studied for so long....especially this 4 unit maths shite. Gah, I am starting to ramble.
Anyway, enjoy the song. I quite like it.
I bought Interpol tickets.
There's a large probability I won't go, despite me having them.
So I'll be announcing this: IF I DON'T GO, IS ANYONE WILLING TO BUY THEM OFF ME?
I'll sell them to you for the price I paid for them, nothing less and nothing more - So it'll be fair and square.
Though I am secretly hoping that I'll get to go, not the other way round cause dang it...I love Interpol.
Sweetheart bitterheart, now I can tell you apart.
I'm rather baffled as to why I took legal studies in year 11. I didn't even enjoy commerce in year 8 so why would I 'enjoy' legal in year 11? Yes...well, as a matter of fact, I am also rather glad that I took it so that I now know how much I don't give a damn about the law etc. Well yes, I do comply with it but the legislation and the practices that go with it really do not faze me. And honestly speaking, I've pretty much obliterated everything legal related from my brain. What constitution? What legislation? What is Common Law? If I were to answer the last question now, I really wouldn't have a clue. Ah! Dropping legal was seriously the best decision I've ever made and here I was thinking of dropping physics. How stupid and downright silly was I?
Anyway, to console my very agitated and paranoid self...I've decided to live by this Chinese proverb: 塞翁失馬,焉知非福. Calm down Katie, calm down.
Interpol 2011
So...going to Interpol in 2011? PROBABLY NOT. I am unbelievably devastated...I MEAN I WANT TO BLOODY SEE INTERPOL OKAY? But no! I am going to the UK. Fark, I am not excited about that at all...cause I'd rather see Interpol and The National.
I hate this.
And so in order to compensate for lost time. I've decided that I'm just going to a gig in the UK. Whatever. ><"
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