
No sleep, I lose everything.

Listening to: Waves by Metric

I went go karting yesterday with my sister and her group of friends from uni. We went to Eastern Creek Raceway and raced from 5:00 to 7:30. The races were long and gruelling, I honestly thought they were not going to end so I pretty much raced incredibly slowly. However, once I started getting lapped I became really aggressive and started to speed around corners which resulted me in either a) drifting (oh yes!) or b) spinning out into the sand. Apparently, I was spinning out a lot according to the staff there and so he pulled me over and had a talk with me about my driving. Excuse me, I only spun out fking once in that round yet he was saying all this shit about how my braking wasn't right. I came 3rd last in that bloody round. Gah!

The seats on the gokarts weren't entirely comfortable either...everyone ended up getting bruises on their backs... I have one massive bulge on my back right now and it makes me look like Frankenstein's MONSTER. The degree of pain I am experiencing correlates to being...well, being punched repetitively in one area. Blah. My muscles ache as well, perhaps as a result from the incredibly stiff steering wheel. All in all, I hate gokarting but finally getting out of the house and talking to people was perhaps the most fun I had in a while.

On the topic with regard to my sister's friends; she's really blessed to have an amazing group of friends she had found at uni. They're all very sincere, kind and funny people. Talking to them makes me so incredibly excited to go to uni and opened a new optimistic mindset. I can't wait to meet new people and have the time of my life. I heard that uni changes many things and I sincerely hope uni next year will be one incredible trip. It's not that I don't like high school...it wasn't really what I anticipated it to be from the perceptions I had of it in primary, but yes things should change for the better.

Oh, and I got tagged by Michelle for this blog Meme. Unlike her, I think I'll not tag any other blogger for this award...only because I don't know who to tag
To accept the Versatile Blogger Award there are some rules to follow:
1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to seven blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
Thank you Michelle
Seven things about myself:
  • I hate long nails
  • When I grow old and retire, I am moving to Geelong or anywhere that remotely resembles outback Australia.
  • I've flown a plane before
  • I am fascinated by lights, citylights, candlelights, the subdued sunlight in the afternoon....anything that illuminates and shines
  • Speaking about lights, my favourite time of the day is the moment before it becomes dark
  • Perhaps I am too sentimental for my own good
  • Lately, I've been crawling back to listening to music that is not the latest i.e. Phoenix's 'It's Never Been Like That', Bloc Party's 'A Weekend in the City', Radiohead's 'Kid A' + 'The Bends' & The Strokes' 'First Impressions of Earth'

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