

As I am not preoccupied with anything lately, my mind has been wandering off to places and I live everyday without looking at the calendar. It only really dawned on me now that 2011 is on its end soon. It's hard to believe because I can remember that exact moment when we stepped into 2011 and farewelled 2010, another unforgettable year ... (I was in London too...ha)

If I look back at the year...like I look at a timeline, this year would feel so massive and long, in the sense that so many things happened yet I lived through everyday and tried to seize all the chances that were presented before me. January flew by like a blur as I was enjoying my time in the UK and Hong Kong. February was spent in Sydney and feeling the blues as I was reluctant to realise that I was growing up and heading into uni. March was spent loathing my course and feeling somewhat lonesome and hopeless at the rate my friendships were developing at uni. April was cold, so was May... June was spent revising and realising that there was an incredibly hot guy in my tutorial group. July was fun and my birthday. August was study. So was September...October...what was that? November was study/relax/meet up. December was spent in Sydney, doing nothing.

And where did the whole year go? Just like that, the whole year just passed by...like it bypassed me or something. It's late at night and my writing ability is on the decline.

I've been rereading my posts on this blog. It's amazing how much clarity I can remember most events by. The thing that gets me about memories is just that I can go back to the mindset before and feel what I felt at that moment. And then I become overwhelmed because sometimes these memories are so good that I just want to be there and experience them all over again. But I have to learn to let go of the past and move on the future. I'm learning, trust me I am. But it will take it's time as I take baby steps to not think about the past as often as I usually do. Sentimental at heart...that's me.

2012 is on it's way. Very soon
And soon....in the blink of the eye, I'll be 50.

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