

Disengaging from this telecommunications world is rather hard. I mean, how would I know what shift I have at work if I completely turned off my phone? Or perhaps, how to tell my friends that I'm just going to try and drop off the radar for a while... 

I feel dead. I don't even know if that's the right term to describe how I feel. I guess it's more like an amalgamation of just not wanting to try anymore due to sheer lethargy and perhaps even more that I don't know what it means to be completely happy anymore. I tried to feel happiness today by purchasing something...yeah, I bought 500 Days of Summer on DVD as it was on sale. That happiness of purchasing was transient, didn't last for long but it surely gave me a kick. And then it was nail polish. That lasted longer until I applied it and then it was just yeah, I felt a bit drabby. That's not a word, but that encapsulates how I feel. 

This blog is somewhat chronicling the downward spiral of me. Actually, more like the epic highs with the epic lows, am I somewhat bipolar? Mildly perhaps. I don't know, there is probably something wrong with me. 


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