
oh yeah they call me the recluse

It's Valentines Day today and really speaking, I don't care. I suppose that's what you get when you're unattached but it doesn't really faze me either (being unattached).

So whilst the lovebirds (i.e. my sister and her boyfriend) went out for some Valentines Dinner and Movie, I took my brother out to Lulu's Cafe for a meal. My dad was at work whilst my mum is still overseas...so in some ways, it was quite lonely but enjoyable. In some ways, being in charge of my brother and taking care of him has made me grow up a tad. I miss my mum every now and then (she's coming back soon...hopefully) but leaving us alone here has made us become more independent. Perhaps not making it into UQ was a sign...telling me that I've not grown up at all. I suppose 2011 will be a year of growing up.

Sydney Uni's timetables were finally released today after what seems like a shit long time waiting. I was initially incredibly displeased with mine, having a 1pm start on Thursday. I hate anything that starts at near/past midday because it is such an awkward time. You can't really do anything after nor before, making it so inconvienient. I really do wish that my campus was instead the Camperdown instead of Cumberland so that I could really make use of my 3 hour break on Wednesday, which I cannot seem to remove without wrecking my whole timetable. So I do suppose Sem 1 of Uni will be okay. However, I'll be having 8am + 9am starts....whatevs. (actually, I think I will care when I do wake up for such epic starts...><)

Radiohead! Radiohead: The King of Limbs. I am more than excited for the release of this record. Radiohead are freaking innovative with what they do and I do wonder what is in store for this new album. And ah, they always surprise don't they? I found out via facebook...guess that's the perk of social networking and massively 'liking' every artist you want updates about on the site.

Anyhow, I'll leave you with this song. It is so freaking good....what an immense sound!

The Recluse (Nero Remix) - Plan B

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