Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys
I have a crush on Brad Pitt and Dom Alessio.
Brad Pitt, because I just watched Ocean's Eleven and he is so freaking smooth and sexy as Rusty. Hello? How can any straight girl not like Brad Pitt? Oh my freakin'. I like I like. Too bad he's older now. But the Oceans pit was the best. Mmmm.
Dom Alessio: Triple J presenter. I think he's so freaking cute..and it doesn't help when he can pull off the best pranks ever. Gosh! YAY ALESSSIOOO.
Weirdest celebrity crushes ever? Uhuh.
Vampire Weekend > Owl City
The song that I simply cannot stand will be Fireflies by Owl City.
Whilst I'm talking about music, I'd like to say how freaking amazing Vampire Weekend's latest song, 'Cousins' is. I love it and the video makes me LOVE it even more! Yay!
Epitome of cool:
There is just this annoying factor to it that makes me hate it so much.
It's not exactly pop, twee pop, indie pop or what. It's just a whole mash up and it sounds so much like music from 2006. That was a really bad year of music for me. Heck, I was into Hellogoodbye, The Fray, Evermore and James Blunt. Not exactly the best artists but nevertheless, Owl City sounds like washed out hellogoodbye and lazy pop. Enough said and PLEASE, stop playing that bloody song. I freakin' hate it!
Epitome of cool:
Let Down
I am trying to write a belonging short story centred about these lyrics....
I feel as though this song perfectly encapsulates the disillusion and disassociation of the individual living in a modern society. Everyone just walks about in their own sorrows, nobody stops to notice others...we are all too contained in ourselves that it is awfully hard to disengage and thus, associate with others.
And there's the uplifting end to the song, 'One day, I am gonna grow wings', signifying the hope that still lingers about even in this cold world we live in. There will inevitably be one day when we can flee from such a life..surely.
Transport, motorways and tram lines
Starting and then stopping, taking off and landing
The emptiest of feelings, disappointed people clinging onto bottles
And when it comes, it's so, so disappointing
Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around
Shell smashed, juices flowing wings twitch, legs are going
Don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel
One day I'm going to grow wings
A chemical reaction, hysterical and useless hysterical and
Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around let down again
You know, you know where you are with you, know where you are
With floor collapses floating, bouncing back and one day
I am going to grow wings
A chemical reaction, hysterical and useless hysterical and
Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around
A minor reflection
I have met so many people in my lifetime, they walk and out of my life periodically. There may be peaks when I see them and other times when I don't associate with them whatsoever.
I remember starting high school for the very first time in 2005 and it was certainly a very strange experience for me. Classes were always different and people associated in groups. I was so taken aback and high school seriously thrust me into a position for self evaluation and actualisation. I eventually conformed to the norm and hung out with people in large groups of friends. It was a different environment to what I was used to but nevertheless, I found it fun. As time wore on, I didn't feel as if that was actually what I wanted. I have always only played with one friend during primary, my best friend and having lunch times in a group was just so strange for me. Yes, I have made good friends via associating with others as a collective, but out of all the people I have ever met in my lifetime, I realise that I only truly care for my primary best friend. She was the one that was willing to indulge into my wild imagination and create separate fantasy worlds with me. At times when I was feeling unwell, she'd come and care for me.....like that time I had diarrhoea...I was in the toilet for the whole 1 hour lunchtime and she went nowhere, but stayed outside the toilet asking me if I was okay. And that other time when I was at year 6 camp and I felt so incredibly homesick. She consoled me and told me that she was there for me. She told me not to cry and told me to enjoy the rest of the camp with her.
We were incredibly close as young children and I can truthfully say, that my friendship with her was the purest and strongest one I have ever had in my entire life thus far. I trusted her wholeheartedly and as I type these words now, I miss her more than ever.
Joanne Lee, thanks for always being there.
I remember hating you during year 9 and 10. I only did that to cover up my jealousy which I upheld due to your blossoming friendships with other girls. I never hated you in my heart. It was all just on the surface.
I miss you so much :(
I'm rather cynical
What I have learnt:
- Life is unfair and there's nothing you can do about so many things. You've just got to deal with it and not let it get to you, no matter how unfair the situation is
- You are your own best friend. No matter how close of friends you are with other people, you are the only one who will not let yourself down.
- The people who don't judge you are probably the best people you'll ever meet
She was alright cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
Listening to: Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down by Interpol
I remember those days when I would just listen to Interpol for the whole entire day, without having any break in between. I'd be streaming Interpol for the whole day and to have listened to them enough to learn their lyrics off by heart.
I stopped listening to Interpol religiously this year, after discovering other great bands of which I equally love. However, upon revisiting their albums, I am beginning to become hooked onto their tunes all over again. I understand why I seriously fell in love with them in the first place. Interpol makes absolutely mindblowingly amazing music. That's all. They don't use any marketing tactics to promote their material, just pure genius and great songwriting.
I love Interpol.
I'm a lonely soul
Always searching somewhere to belong.
I wish I had someone to talk to.
My heart is overwhelmed with the desolation I feel.
My friend Susanna
These are the words that motivate me
She is the sister I never had.
and please please tell me , that you are gonna try for medical school
it would be the worst waste of talent if you wouldnt and in the end, what we regret most are the chances we never took. so you have to try. just try.
She is the sister I never had.
Tis the season
Everyone around me is so festive....
It's only right to start singing Christmas tunes..right?
It's only right to start singing Christmas tunes..right?
Scott Dooley played Idioteque by Radiohead on his last show ever, on Triple J. He commented that that was his favourite song from his favourite band.
It was a moment that I was actually genuinely heartbroken to see Dools leave Triple J.
I felt as if he was leaving Triple J with all that he loved...including this beautiful song
The last song he ever played was 'Don't Stop Believin'
No, never stop believing.
I hope to see Scott Dooley working on TV or hosting some other thing. He's just too good of a presenter to let go. I'm so sad that Triple J is letting go one of its most valued and charismatic presenters ever. I sound as if I'm exaggerating my emotions but really, I am seriously so torn by this leave. I could cope with Robbie's leave...but Dools' is too hard to comprehend. I feel as though he's my companion since I listen to his podcasts ALL the time. I looked forward to seeing iTunes automatically downloading his podcasts...and was so worried when I saw that his podcasts weren't updated for almost 2 weeks. So so cut.
Dools :( Come back soon!
Fucking Hell
Scott Dooley.
I am genuinely sad.
I am now in a mourning mode. It's like he's dead or something...but I just feel as if a part of me is going...cause I ALWAYS listen to him. What am I gonna listen to now? There's nothing good. Not even Alex Dyson's lovely voice can compare. Ugh, Dools. I was sad about Robbie Buck leaving but I never ever expected you to leave. This is absolutely ridiculous. It makes no sense!
Where the hell are you going? I'm crossing my fingers you're not off to commercial radio, cause that'd be shit. You were made for Triple J. What better place than here?
still so angry
still so sad.
Dools, it's not bad!
I'm actually really cut that Dools is not presenting the Drive show or hosting any more on Triple J. It's such a shame, I really liked listening to him...even though his jokes weren't always funny or that he wasn't the coolest or whatever.
I listened to Dools religiously during my exam periods, in the early mornings when I suffered from insane insomnia (O HAI ALLITERATION), on lonely bus/train rides....and every other day when I just grew tired of listening to my music. His talk show was entertaining and I always looked forward to his podcasts....my only way of accessing his talk show, since I didn't have FM radio on my until now. And when I actually did have FM radio on my phone, I tuned into triple j today to hear such shocking news. Why Dools? Why?
Listening to triple j will never be the same. I loved his dick jokes and stupidity. His segments were ingenious, full of humour and plain entertainment. I will miss Dools so much...it's not that I don't like the Doctor, but Dools..Oh Dools, the best.
Takk... forever my favourite Sigur Ros release.
All the songs on it are absolutely breathtaking.
I've been posting rather sporadically on this blog as of late. There hasn't been any structure whatsoever, more like little snippets from like stupid little, uninteresting life. Anyhow, lately I have been feeling so much wanderlust. I find myself trawling travel websites and searching flickr for the ultimate getaway. Life has been so busy that I long for a holiday elsewhere, rather than where I am at right now....
It's the middle of assessment week and I find myself always blogging or if not, just procrastinating as a result of pure exhaustion. And yes, I procrastinate on facebook as well....that's what every student does nowadays innit? But really...I'm honestly getting tired of facebook...it's just that people are so close to each other, it's sort of overwhelming.. And I am getting so sick and tired of seeing these groups people join and become a fan of. Joining groups with outlandish statements was such a long time ago...I think people have ought to move on... Oh, and facebook, forever being so transparent in my eyes, allowing me to metaphorically see through some people's intentions. I don't know, but I feel as though everyone has double standards in real life and on facebook. They may be someone in real life but a totally different person when interacting with others online. And the thing is, due to the transparency of interaction amongst social networks, I have started to realise that people try extremely hard to be someone...that they strive to be. It's a strange thing to be witnessing it all...and I should be honest, that I have done that in the past. But really, what's the point. Are we seriously just trying to prove to someone out there, that we are someone we're really not? Are you just so desperate and hungry for some attention? It's times like these that I just want to live out in the countryside, hiking by day and slumbering by night.
Sometimes, I just want to flee.
Read my Mind.
I pull up to the front of your driveway
with magic soaking my spine.
Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?
"Top date ideas"
Taken from tumblr.
1. go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you both can in all of them, compile photo evidence
2. go to a major chain bookstore and leave notes to future readers in copies of your favorite books
3. have her dress up as a ghost and you dress up us pacman. walk around downtown holding hands, and whenever anyone sees you two, pretend to be embarrassed, and run off screaming “wocka wocka wocka.”
4. create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn’t really happen
5. dress up as superheroes and stop at least one petty crime “ie. jaywalking, littering….”
6. build forts out of furniture and blankets and wage war with paper airplanes.
7. try and visit as many people as you can in one night and turn as many things inside their apartment upside down as you can without them noticing.
8. go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up, and stay there for a weekend.
9. write a piece of fiction together. outside at a cafe. ask strangers when you get stuck.
10. dress to the nines, pretend to be married, and test drive very expensive vehicles at an auto dealership.
11. do the lamest tourist thing in your area that you have both secretly wanted to do forever. have an unabashed good time!
12. in the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. bring a sun umbrella.
13. drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you’ve never been to. with fake names.
14. go to a minor league baseball game under the stars. tell each other stories about how bad you are at athletics. randomly cheer for both teams. eat lots of cracker jack.
15. go around the city with sidewalk chalk and draw hearts with equations inside on random things
16. walk around a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras
17. with camera and pair of boots, make photo-log of a day in the life of the invisible man.
18. walk around the city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn
19, go to a restaurant and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.
20. rent a movie you’ve never seen before. set on mute and improvise dialogue.
1. go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you both can in all of them, compile photo evidence
2. go to a major chain bookstore and leave notes to future readers in copies of your favorite books
3. have her dress up as a ghost and you dress up us pacman. walk around downtown holding hands, and whenever anyone sees you two, pretend to be embarrassed, and run off screaming “wocka wocka wocka.”
4. create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn’t really happen
5. dress up as superheroes and stop at least one petty crime “ie. jaywalking, littering….”
6. build forts out of furniture and blankets and wage war with paper airplanes.
7. try and visit as many people as you can in one night and turn as many things inside their apartment upside down as you can without them noticing.
8. go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up, and stay there for a weekend.
9. write a piece of fiction together. outside at a cafe. ask strangers when you get stuck.
10. dress to the nines, pretend to be married, and test drive very expensive vehicles at an auto dealership.
11. do the lamest tourist thing in your area that you have both secretly wanted to do forever. have an unabashed good time!
12. in the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. bring a sun umbrella.
13. drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you’ve never been to. with fake names.
14. go to a minor league baseball game under the stars. tell each other stories about how bad you are at athletics. randomly cheer for both teams. eat lots of cracker jack.
15. go around the city with sidewalk chalk and draw hearts with equations inside on random things
16. walk around a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras
17. with camera and pair of boots, make photo-log of a day in the life of the invisible man.
18. walk around the city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn
19, go to a restaurant and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.
20. rent a movie you’ve never seen before. set on mute and improvise dialogue.
sweet disposition
so stay there
cause i'll be comin over
and while our bloods still young
it's so young
it runs
and we won't stop til it's over
won't stop to surrender
cause i'll be comin over
and while our bloods still young
it's so young
it runs
and we won't stop til it's over
won't stop to surrender
I could burst a million bubbles.
Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was by Radiohead
I wish I could openly thank a person for their kind words to me that have managed to inevitably pick me up back from my lows. They were probably never intended to be such 'motivating' messages but being the person I am, I have taken it in that way. I guess he only spoke of them to be kind and polite...but thanks to you...seriously.
And, oh gosh, half of the holidays have passed by already. I can't believe it, I feel as if I haven't done anything productive. I must endeavour to make the most of my time that I have remaining. I want to be on top of all my subjects now, I am sick of getting mediocre marks. Physics, oh dearie me. I am still considering whether I should continue with my studying of such a crappy subject. Heh, I wanna ask somebody for some advice...seeing they seem as though they know what they're talking about. Nevertheless, I know I will figure something out, just give me some time.
The holidays always manages to bring out the hermit within me. Ha! See the irony? Anyway, I'm starting to see how freaking plastic so many people around me are. Facebook and the like. I'm starting to see past it all and I feel, very out of the loop. Sometimes, I wish I could just confide into someone who is trustworthy, concerning all my thoughts and worries. I'm so insecure out here on my own...I guess I feel lost. Direction-less? Is that it? Ugh, I don't know. My mind is a mess.
i want to reconcile the violence in your heart.
Undisclosed Desires by Muse
After an intense 2 weeks of exams, it's now post-exam time i.e. receiving the tests back. I got many of my exams back today and can I honestly say, that I am very thoroughly disappointed in myself? I knew I should have committed myself more to my studies, stopped wasting time and just tried harder.
Thing is, I don't know how to improve for English. I tried so hard for Emma/Clueless and I end up getting the same shitass mark I got for Othello. No, it's not an Asian fail, but a fucking terrible mark that won't get me anywhere. I feel so terrible.
I'm chasing down a highway
To Get to You by Damien Leith
Out of all the Australian Idols, Damien Leith is my favourite out of the whole bunch. This man just screams pure talent and he also has a genuinely lovely voice to listen to. I used to be a very big fan of his, especially that period after he won idol. However, I kinda stopped being a fan of his when he released too many albums. But now, I won't stop being a fan of Damien's anymore. His new song, 'To Get to You', is amazing. I absolutely love it. Screw what other people say about Damien Leith, he will always have a special place in my heart and remain as a singer songwriter with incredible talent.
And oh, notice the setting of the video? Indeed, it's Sydney and I seriously did underestimate the beauty of this city. I live in it yet I put it down so much all the time. Sydney is beautiful.
It's late right now, precisely 1:04. I should sleep soon. And if the above paragraph/rant above about Damien Leith didn't make sense then bleh!
Running with believers, no time for fever and I haven't got time for you either
Sticks 'n' Stones by Jamie T
This is a bloody good song. It's been stuck in my head for the last few days...even when I was completing my Ext 1 Maths paper. I so wanted to write those catchy lyrics on my paper instead of numbers. Gosh, Jamie T, you king! :)
I may be paranoid but no android
Paranoid Android by Radiohead
As always, I should be studying for physics, maths ext 1 and legal studies. However, being a champion procrastinator, blogging is the way to go for me (Y).
Facebook has lost its appeal now. Seriously, there's no point logging onto it when there's absolutely nothing to do. I feel as though facebook is becoming increasingly like a quiz + gaming site and slightly reminiscent of twitter at the very same time. I have twitter, so I guess I shall use that instead now.
I'm slightly nervous for physics tomorrow...since it is in no way, my strongest subject. I suck at it. I only chose it as a subject this year because I found so much interest in it last year, when we were studying galaxies and waves... It sucks to realise how much it doesn't interest me anymore and how different it is to the year 10 course. Oh wells, I shall endure physics until the end of year 12....and hopefully, physics will scale my ATAR and push it up to something sexy. :P Yup, I want a sexy, hot and pretty ATAR score. :D
Better get off now. And btw, Paranoid Android is so long that this it is just finishing right now. Wowww. But nevertheless, its an amazing kickass song. Yay for Radiohead! :)
As always, I should be studying for physics, maths ext 1 and legal studies. However, being a champion procrastinator, blogging is the way to go for me (Y).
Facebook has lost its appeal now. Seriously, there's no point logging onto it when there's absolutely nothing to do. I feel as though facebook is becoming increasingly like a quiz + gaming site and slightly reminiscent of twitter at the very same time. I have twitter, so I guess I shall use that instead now.
I'm slightly nervous for physics tomorrow...since it is in no way, my strongest subject. I suck at it. I only chose it as a subject this year because I found so much interest in it last year, when we were studying galaxies and waves... It sucks to realise how much it doesn't interest me anymore and how different it is to the year 10 course. Oh wells, I shall endure physics until the end of year 12....and hopefully, physics will scale my ATAR and push it up to something sexy. :P Yup, I want a sexy, hot and pretty ATAR score. :D
Better get off now. And btw, Paranoid Android is so long that this it is just finishing right now. Wowww. But nevertheless, its an amazing kickass song. Yay for Radiohead! :)
Everybody, everybody just wanna fall in love
Sick Muse- Metric

I should be studying and not blogging..however blogging is much more luring than studying for..well, legal studies. I dunno why I chose it honestly, maybe it's because I thought I might like it...or what not. How weird. I honestly don't know what prompted me to make such a decision though! Nevertheless, I've completed three exams out of the six I'm due to do. Halfway through ey? Nearly there, not yet though. It feels so much like a Saturday today, it's not even funny. Maybe it's because I've been at home for the past two days that my body feels as though its the weekend permanently.
Spring has gotten the better of me. I am now living on Telfast, a rather effective hayfever control medicine. Gosh, I keep on sneezing and my eyes are so damn watery. I hate this weather so much. It's unsettling and it makes me feel TERRIBLE. I wasn't even half bad in winter. I only had episodes of sneezing and feeling chilly at times. I also recovered from these minor colds relatively quickly. However, with hayfever, it seems as though I cannot do anything to suppress these symptoms BUT by taking Telfast. Great, exactly what I need ey? Anyway, for the first time in two months or so, I bought.....2 items of which are:
1. Muse's album, 'The Resistance'
2. A $20 shirt from General Pants Co.
So in total, I spent $40 on two items. :D
I should be studying and not blogging..however blogging is much more luring than studying for..well, legal studies. I dunno why I chose it honestly, maybe it's because I thought I might like it...or what not. How weird. I honestly don't know what prompted me to make such a decision though! Nevertheless, I've completed three exams out of the six I'm due to do. Halfway through ey? Nearly there, not yet though. It feels so much like a Saturday today, it's not even funny. Maybe it's because I've been at home for the past two days that my body feels as though its the weekend permanently.
Spring has gotten the better of me. I am now living on Telfast, a rather effective hayfever control medicine. Gosh, I keep on sneezing and my eyes are so damn watery. I hate this weather so much. It's unsettling and it makes me feel TERRIBLE. I wasn't even half bad in winter. I only had episodes of sneezing and feeling chilly at times. I also recovered from these minor colds relatively quickly. However, with hayfever, it seems as though I cannot do anything to suppress these symptoms BUT by taking Telfast. Great, exactly what I need ey? Anyway, for the first time in two months or so, I bought.....2 items of which are:
1. Muse's album, 'The Resistance'
2. A $20 shirt from General Pants Co.
So in total, I spent $40 on two items. :D
I'm getting rushed back on a whim
Bluish by Animal Collective
You know what I absolutely hate? Being the only one (whom I know) who likes some bands. It's so annoying, nobody would be willing to accompany you to go to concerts etc. For example, Animal Collective. I think I was the only one who went crazy over their latest album in my circle of friends... Maybe Vivien Fang went crazy as well, but she's never allowed to go to gigs. :(
Need. to. meet. people. at. gigs. and. thus. go. to. gigs. with. them.
You know what I absolutely hate? Being the only one (whom I know) who likes some bands. It's so annoying, nobody would be willing to accompany you to go to concerts etc. For example, Animal Collective. I think I was the only one who went crazy over their latest album in my circle of friends... Maybe Vivien Fang went crazy as well, but she's never allowed to go to gigs. :(
Need. to. meet. people. at. gigs. and. thus. go. to. gigs. with. them.
But the clouds are clearing up
Moth Wings by Passion Pit
Summer is finally here in the city. The weather is so warm and I'm able to start wearing tshirts all over again. Winter, this time round, wasn't as cold as it was last year or the year before. I remember those days when I would literally be shaking. However, this year, I have been shivering but not the point of shaking. There is a difference there.
I've been trying to edit my layout and make it look aesthetically pleasing. However, this is the best I can do, since I am a HTML noob. So whatevs. I tried jazzing it up with pictures and the alteration of the fonts + colours. Not helping much perhaps? Nevertheless, I tried.
My exams start tomorrow...Honestly speaking, I feel a tad nervous but I feel prepared as well. I studied + wrote a practice essay for Emma...so I hope that that is enough preparation. Funnily enough, I feel 50% ready for Chemistry, 80% ready for maths and 0% ready for physics and legal studies (only because I haven't started committing those subjects to memory yet). However, by the end of tonight, I'm going to bump them all up to 100% ready xept phy and legal. I have the next few days to intensely study for them! Go go go! :)
We live in a beautiful world

All images from the Cherry Blossom Girl
American dreams, an American road trip. These images are triggering my wanderlust and the inner adventurer within me. I want to go on a roadtrip, preferably in America, exploring the 50 states that make up the United States of America. I want to see for myself the distinctly different cities that make America so intruiging. I want to lose myself in New York City, gamble in Las Vegas, cross the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran...I just want to feel it all. After my exams, I want to do something special. I don't know what, but I want to feel alive and feel inspired.
And all the elves say 'falala'
All I Want for Christmas! by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I realised that my blog looks somewhat boring without the feature of graphics...So I guess, with my new posts, I'll try to squeeze in a pic or what...to jazz it up a little I guess? Anyhow, it's a Sunday today. Sundays mean study. However, after doing...heaps of mathematics exercises, I decided to give myself a break from all of that and have a little rest.

I realised that my blog looks somewhat boring without the feature of graphics...So I guess, with my new posts, I'll try to squeeze in a pic or what...to jazz it up a little I guess? Anyhow, it's a Sunday today. Sundays mean study. However, after doing...heaps of mathematics exercises, I decided to give myself a break from all of that and have a little rest.
It's been it's been such a long time
Bargain of a Century by Albert Hammond Jr.
Yearlies are creeping slowly and steadily by. I've started studying for maths and it astounds me how silly my mistakes can be. Argh. My diagrams are always so misleading, so I guess I should draw everything a little clearer and hopefully by the time exams come by, I shall be a master at it.
My eyes feel so dry. That ain't good.
And the song I'm listening to write now, Bargain of a Century, is a lovely tune. I love the melodic sequence at the beginning and the great guitar solo. Utterly blissful. Now it's changed to Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie. That song manages to always and I mean always, put me into a very mellow mood. All I wanna do is graffiti a wall with the beautiful lyrics of this song...
'The Atlantic was born today and I'll tell you how,
the clouds above opened up and let it out.
I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
when the water filled every hole
And thousands upon thousands made an ocean,
making islands where no island should go.
oh no.
Those people were overjoyed; they took to their boats.
I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat.
The rhythm of my footsteps crossing flatlands to your door have been silenced forever more.
The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row
It seems farther than ever before
Oh no.
I need you so much closer"
Yearlies are creeping slowly and steadily by. I've started studying for maths and it astounds me how silly my mistakes can be. Argh. My diagrams are always so misleading, so I guess I should draw everything a little clearer and hopefully by the time exams come by, I shall be a master at it.
My eyes feel so dry. That ain't good.
And the song I'm listening to write now, Bargain of a Century, is a lovely tune. I love the melodic sequence at the beginning and the great guitar solo. Utterly blissful. Now it's changed to Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie. That song manages to always and I mean always, put me into a very mellow mood. All I wanna do is graffiti a wall with the beautiful lyrics of this song...
'The Atlantic was born today and I'll tell you how,
the clouds above opened up and let it out.
I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
when the water filled every hole
And thousands upon thousands made an ocean,
making islands where no island should go.
oh no.
Those people were overjoyed; they took to their boats.
I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat.
The rhythm of my footsteps crossing flatlands to your door have been silenced forever more.
The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row
It seems farther than ever before
Oh no.
I need you so much closer"
Where were you while we were getting high?
Champagne Supernova by Oasis
Isn't it weird how Noel Gallagher left his band (Not that I really care about Oasis)? But it really astounds me at how they endured such a long time, recording and writing together when they hated each other's guts so much. That's a somewhat strange relationship that they maintained there and I guess, it all got too much when Noel ultimately left the band.
I received my exam timetable today and I guess I am pretty satisfied with the exam allocations. I get a 4 day weekend! Excellent and well suited to my needs. I can study some more over that weekend and hopefully, absorb all the relevant information I need to remember.
Monday 14/9: English Advanced
Tuesday 15/9: Mathematics
Wednesday 16/9: Chemistry
Monday 21/9: Maths Ext 1
Tuesday 22/9: Legal Studies
A pretty hectic timetable methinks. Especially on the 21st. Gosh! Ext 1 and Physics coupled up together. That's bloody brilliant innit?
Isn't it weird how Noel Gallagher left his band (Not that I really care about Oasis)? But it really astounds me at how they endured such a long time, recording and writing together when they hated each other's guts so much. That's a somewhat strange relationship that they maintained there and I guess, it all got too much when Noel ultimately left the band.
I received my exam timetable today and I guess I am pretty satisfied with the exam allocations. I get a 4 day weekend! Excellent and well suited to my needs. I can study some more over that weekend and hopefully, absorb all the relevant information I need to remember.
Monday 14/9: English Advanced
Tuesday 15/9: Mathematics
Wednesday 16/9: Chemistry
Monday 21/9: Maths Ext 1
Tuesday 22/9: Legal Studies
A pretty hectic timetable methinks. Especially on the 21st. Gosh! Ext 1 and Physics coupled up together. That's bloody brilliant innit?
New slang when you notice the stripes, the dirt in your fries.
New Slang by The Shins
I haven't been feeling too well lately, both physically and mentally. The sudden change in weather, with the strong gusts of wind and fluctuating weather has left me feeling rather sick. I'm guessing we're heading into spring, so pollen and dust is everywhere, irritating my nose and making me exhibit all the classic symptoms of hayfever. I look and feel like a mess. My skin is dry, my lips are chapped and my eyes watery. I wake up every morning looking as if I came out of a tornado or something but its simply that I am just allergic to bloody pollen.
Argh. Exams are coming up in about 2 weeks or so and I feel as if I am running out of time. In preparation for the exams, I'm going to terminate all forms of online communication. Yep, that includes facebook, msn, tumblr, twitter and even email. Facebook is such a huge distraction to everything that I do. Once I am on there, I can be stuck on there for a longgg period of time. Therefore, in order to maximise study time and achieve high marks in the yearlies, goodbye facebook for a long time. I shall miss you but its for the best anyway. I'll see you after my yearlies.
I haven't been feeling too well lately, both physically and mentally. The sudden change in weather, with the strong gusts of wind and fluctuating weather has left me feeling rather sick. I'm guessing we're heading into spring, so pollen and dust is everywhere, irritating my nose and making me exhibit all the classic symptoms of hayfever. I look and feel like a mess. My skin is dry, my lips are chapped and my eyes watery. I wake up every morning looking as if I came out of a tornado or something but its simply that I am just allergic to bloody pollen.
Argh. Exams are coming up in about 2 weeks or so and I feel as if I am running out of time. In preparation for the exams, I'm going to terminate all forms of online communication. Yep, that includes facebook, msn, tumblr, twitter and even email. Facebook is such a huge distraction to everything that I do. Once I am on there, I can be stuck on there for a longgg period of time. Therefore, in order to maximise study time and achieve high marks in the yearlies, goodbye facebook for a long time. I shall miss you but its for the best anyway. I'll see you after my yearlies.
American Beauty
Lester Burnham:
'...but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life...'
Let down and hanging around- Let Down by Radiohead
I make it sound as if I am going through a mid life crisis or something worse than the end of the world, but to me, education is an important aspect. Gosh, I sound like an Asian parent but nevertheless...
I feel as though I have fallen to an all time low and there will be no other person, other than myself who will be willing to pick myself back up. As much as I appreciate the kind yet somewhat frank and upfront words from those who listen or not listen, they aren't the ones who will help me get back up. I will and I am going to be the one who'll be picking myself up from the mess I have created myself. I regret not listening to myself, my own heart who knows best of what subjects and things I enjoy and achieve the most in. Instead, I chose something I do not enjoy and obviously dread learning about. It's way too late to change my mistakes and the only rational and logical thing that I can do is to cope with it and try my best.
Do you think that with positive thinking, motivation and energy, that I will be able to conquer my fear? I certainly hope so.
I feel as though I have fallen to an all time low and there will be no other person, other than myself who will be willing to pick myself back up. As much as I appreciate the kind yet somewhat frank and upfront words from those who listen or not listen, they aren't the ones who will help me get back up. I will and I am going to be the one who'll be picking myself up from the mess I have created myself. I regret not listening to myself, my own heart who knows best of what subjects and things I enjoy and achieve the most in. Instead, I chose something I do not enjoy and obviously dread learning about. It's way too late to change my mistakes and the only rational and logical thing that I can do is to cope with it and try my best.
Do you think that with positive thinking, motivation and energy, that I will be able to conquer my fear? I certainly hope so.
See how I stun - Pace is the Trick by Interpol.
Remember those days when all I ever ranted about was either how good looking Paul Banks was or how wonderful Interpol's music sounded? That was me in the years 2007 + 2008. Yep, I was a massive Interpol fan back in the day and their concert at the Hordern Pavilion, made me a fan for life. But there was always the downside, I simply overplayed their music and got pretty sick of them by 2009 by which, I was able to go through periods of not even listening to a single track by them. I only listen to them sporadically nowadays and I wish I hadn't overplayed them. I don't feel the same awe when I listen to their music now...though I still enjoy it very much. Haha, I can still remember that day when I first heard 'Pioneer to the Falls'...I was sitting in my room, playing their vid on youtube over and over again. I couldn't dam get enough of it and when the day came for me to be able to purchase their album, I was more than delighted.
Interpol shall be releasing their forth album soon, according to an official update on their website. I can hardly contain my excitement and am hoping that with this new album that they'll release sometime in the near future, I will resume my position as an avid die hard Interpol fan.
Interpol shall be releasing their forth album soon, according to an official update on their website. I can hardly contain my excitement and am hoping that with this new album that they'll release sometime in the near future, I will resume my position as an avid die hard Interpol fan.
You're a zero!
Because I have succumbed to the temptations of procrastination, I shall be making a list...On what. I guess, a list concerning things about me....
- I hate having my hair fall out. I'm not concerned about balding or hair scalp problems but I'm just concerned about the DNA I'm leaving behind where ever I go! I feel as though I'm giving away who I am to the world.
- My astrological horoscope is Cancer the crab, hard on the outside, soft on the inside. That's precisely me, I guess I can seem to be tough but inside, I'm all soft and helpless.
- I'm jealous of a lot of people's relationships with their cousins. I never really had any deep connections with my cousins (except for maybe 1) but nevertheless, the lack of such relationships in my life makes me sad.
- I used to be overly materialistic in year 9. Fashion, supposed 'indie' music, attractive good looking people, smoking seeming cool and such were all that occupied my mind. I had a major 'breakdown' at the end of year 9, realising that such perceptions of the world were so narrow-minded and morally low. I've moved away from being that person I hated being. I guess I still like that stuff (except for smoking), but they're not the only things that matter in my life anymore.
- I can still recall the first epiphany I experienced...precisely when I was 5 years old. I remember asking my dad, 'Why do we have to go to school when all of us suffer the same fate, death?' (maybe not using those words but nevertheless). I guess I kinda astounded my father by asking such an introspective question.
- I like the pain inflicted upon me by needles but I don't like it to the extent that I go slice my arms. No, I just like it whenever I get an injection I guess. The pain is soothing. Gosh, I sound so emo, but I swear I'm not! I just don't really view the 'pain' as actual pain. (If that makes any sense)
- Contrary to what many people think, I can actually lie very well and I bloody well mean it. I guess I cannot lie for trivial matters i.e. hiding a friend's bag somewhere or rather, but I can lie when its absolutely necessary. And I get away with it most of the time XD
yeah, how long must you wait for him. - in my place

I deleted my last post...simply because I felt like it.
Anyhow, its finally the weekend! Oh the joy! I've been pining for the weekend since the first day we went back to school... The holidays have undoubtedly shifted me into a stress free mode, for the worse only because I find myself having a little difficulty readjusting myself into the position of concentrating on school work etc.
Anyhow, its finally the weekend! Oh the joy! I've been pining for the weekend since the first day we went back to school... The holidays have undoubtedly shifted me into a stress free mode, for the worse only because I find myself having a little difficulty readjusting myself into the position of concentrating on school work etc.
Donating blood was the only highlight today I guess =\ And I was much surprised that my iron levels were sufficient and thus, making me able to donate some of my yummy + delicious blood. :P The needle did hurt honestly, but the weirdest aspect of all, was feeling the tube of warm blood on my cold arm. It was odd, since it was coming out of my cold arm...I mean, logically speaking, it doesn't work at all! But it did..and that proved to be a surreal experience. Warm blood coming out of a cold (or so it appears to be) arm.
Interpol! Oh how I love thee. I'm back in-ter-pol. Oh get the awesome pun? :D
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