There's still another 14 hours until 2011 here in London but only under 3 hours to go in Sydney...
2010 has gone by frighteningly fast. Amazing things happened and there were times when i was feeling incredibly low. But all in all, this made for an incredible year - one which I will remember. i'll probably look back with fondness in the future for it was one of the most thrilling. I made new friendships this year, improved some and lost others. But life goes on. 2011 is building up as an exciting where university awaits and new dscoveries are just around the corner.
Happy New Year to all of you.
What 2011 holds in store - I don't know....
But I'm hoping it will trump 2010.
xxx - ahhh...
I'm in London now and feeling really disorientated. I cannot for one believe that I am in Europe, a place I've only seen through films and other things...but here I am. I am struggling in vain to stay awake despite it being only 4pm - oh the pains of jetlag. Sleep will only come at arond 7 hours time. Everything in England is like a romanticised version of Sydney and its really cold - 10 degrees by which the English regard as warm. Oh what a tourist I am.
With regard to feeling disorientated - being here is so surreal. In many ways I already miss home...the lure of my comfortable bed and pleasant weather. Nevertheless, I strive to make the most out of my time here and see England from a foreigner's perspective.
With regard to feeling disorientated - being here is so surreal. In many ways I already miss home...the lure of my comfortable bed and pleasant weather. Nevertheless, I strive to make the most out of my time here and see England from a foreigner's perspective.
I was afraid I'd eat your brains
conversation 16 - the national
Merry Christmas! Hope you're all having a splendid day...doing whatever you please.
1. Went to the city for a drive last night after having Pho at Bankstown. As boring as Sydney gets sometimes, being a really sleepy city and possibly quite darn laid back, I always feel so lucky to be able to see the stunning harbour whenever I want to. People come over to Australia just to admire our Harbour. I just feel so lucky to be living here, being blessed with such magnificent views around me all the time.
2. Will definitely be off to Hong Kong sometime soon and perhaps Singapore. Dunno if the latter will eventuate but honestly, I don't really want to go to Singapore. Blah
3. My neighbourhood is certainly very quiet today. There are no cars on the roads...I suppose everyone is enjoying the festive season.
and my lips, they don't kiss, they don't kiss the way they used to.
I have The Killers' live DVD but I couldn't help but youtubing it and just pasting it everywhere I go because this rendition of 'For Reasons Unknown' is possibly my favourite. Ah, The Killers are amazing.
it's terrible love and i'm walking with spiders
For my HSC/Atar, I asked for an iPhone 4. I never ask my parents for anything as an academic reward but this time I did. Why? I secretly want to cure my loneliness...travelling around with it as if it were a new friend who'd take care of me. I wanted to use it to take pictures of the world, with its new HD feature and record all those moments that are fleeting. However, I'm not getting one until next year. And here I think, what am I going to do? I only wanted one because people are so unreliable...
'i'm losing touch.'
lost in love, i can't see the light of day
Watching Me, Watching You - Gypsy and the Cat
I watched 'Somewhere' at Greater Union on Saturday, after seeing the trailer since a few months ago and getting rather intrigued with what Coppola will offer in her next film. It was refreshing to watch and the cinematography was well produced however, the editing was poor and there were scenes that simply dragged on for too long...Though, I do believe the long scenes are used primarily to showcase the boring, mundane and exceedingly pointless lifestyle the protagonist maintains. The best part of the movie however was the soundtrack which was well integrated into the film. Coppola does magic with her music in every single one of her movies, always managing to convey the mood with the music that she employs. Phoenix's Love like a Sunset Parts I + II were so well integrated in the film. I especially enjoyed how Coppola used the climax of the song to signify the protagonist's entrance into a enlightened world and ultimately, end the film to a poignant black screen that leaves you thinking till the very end. 'Somewhere' at times was exceedingly humorous, with Coppola poking fun at the L.A./Hollywood lifestyles...particularly noting the hilarious pole dancing sequences in the beginning.
I watched 'Somewhere' at Greater Union on Saturday, after seeing the trailer since a few months ago and getting rather intrigued with what Coppola will offer in her next film. It was refreshing to watch and the cinematography was well produced however, the editing was poor and there were scenes that simply dragged on for too long...Though, I do believe the long scenes are used primarily to showcase the boring, mundane and exceedingly pointless lifestyle the protagonist maintains. The best part of the movie however was the soundtrack which was well integrated into the film. Coppola does magic with her music in every single one of her movies, always managing to convey the mood with the music that she employs. Phoenix's Love like a Sunset Parts I + II were so well integrated in the film. I especially enjoyed how Coppola used the climax of the song to signify the protagonist's entrance into a enlightened world and ultimately, end the film to a poignant black screen that leaves you thinking till the very end. 'Somewhere' at times was exceedingly humorous, with Coppola poking fun at the L.A./Hollywood lifestyles...particularly noting the hilarious pole dancing sequences in the beginning.
On the whole, Sofia Coppola's imagination and dealing with the alienated, segregated and disillusioned continues to enchant... 'Somewhere' had the feel of 'Lost in Translation' yet it felt different. It honestly did feel empty at some points and once again, I must reiterate that I think it was her choice to make the film feel this way. It lacks dialogue and much action but its full of poignant moments....especially how Stephen Dorff falls asleep whilst having sex - much is said about the life of Hollywood by that scene...(absolutely hilarious!)
16th of Dec
- Content with ATAR.
- St George really, 'fucked it up this time' didn't we my dears....? (see Mumford and Sons reference) Number 18? Despicable and incredibly....disappointed.
- I now understand why I missed out on the two band 6s I was hoping to see in the text message. The first girl for chem fucked up hard. And phys? I don't even know about that. (I always knew my school sucked for sciences)
- Sold my Interpol tickets and sent them off in the mail today. Pretty cut though life goes on. It's okay, I've seen them once already...though seeing them again would be hell worth it.
- I am off to the UK at around Christmas time. Pretty pumped and excited.
Fate always loses hope, like electric sparks in my heart
E.S.T. by White Lies
I miss people. I miss everything.
I miss some more people. I miss the times which were memorable.
I miss school (sometimes). I miss feeling exhilarated and inspired.
But most of all, I miss...
Some idiot told me once that time heals everything. Maybe that idiot is right. Who knows?
hold you in my arms, i just wanted to hold you in my arms.
These are just a few of my vids that I took on the night. Oh my in love. ♥
I am still stuck in a euphoric high after going to Muse's first Sydney Show. Absolutely dazzled, amazed, entranced and simply obsessed with this amazing band. Let me see another Muse show, please! I couldn't actually sleep last night from being so blown away by their concert and also because my legs felt werid all night....the only comfortable position for my foot was when it was on tippy-toes....(that shows how long I was in that position for i.e. the whole night) Their epicness has taken away my ability to form coherent sentences with correct grammar. Take for example a tweet I made last night as I came home from the show:
Shook Katie, shook? Are you kidding me? LAWL
But yes, the floor actually shook when they played 'Stockholm Syndrome' was those vibrations that I felt which basically tore Acer Arena apart. Muse opened with 'Uprising' which to me, was the perfect song to open their epic live show in Sydney. I love how the crowd sang in unison when it got to the choruses of 'THEY WILL NOT CONTROL US, WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS'. 'Starlight' was incredibly beautiful, with all these gorgeous visuals adorning the Acer Arena, remotely resembling a galaxy of sparkling stars on the rooftop. '...our hopes and expectations, black holes and revelations...' Though perhaps the highlight of the show was seriously, 'Plug in Baby', 'Hysteria' and 'Time is Running Out'. It was during PIB when my friends and I started making our way through the first quarter of the moshpit to the front, near all the hardcore Musers who moshed so hard that I didn't even need to move my own body to be jumping up and down. Live and intimate, as they say. Anyhow, I was very surprised at how dead the mosh appeared to be where we were initially standing (and we weren't even that far away at first). It was freaking Muse!! I also had a glance around the arena when the lights were on....most of the crowd were sitting down and not engaged, even when their most amazing songs were played. What is this people?!?!! Absolutely baffled. So no, I am glad I came out alive but I seriously expected more of the dead crowd after seeing concert footage of Muse in Wembley tearing down the stadium and crowds. Oh and the highlight of the night was when Matt Bellamy dedicated, 'Citizen Erased' to Julian Assange. I always knew that Muse were supporters of Wikileaks given that their music is centred around conspiracies and all the like so it was comforting to hear that they were aware of the whole issue surrounding Wikileaks. Oh yes, twas a little disappointed when they didn't play: 'Bliss', 'Butterflies and Hurricanes' and 'Feeling Good'. But it was nevertheless a great setlist.
Anyway, I went with Cecilia and Tiffany to the concert, unknowingly meeting up with a few friends who had tickets to side view seating. I felt really bad for them initially but then found out that their views of the band were not completely obscured so I guess that was fine. But nevertheless, we picked up some confetti from the ground and gave it to them as a gift or possibly as some consolation. Oh...and I was probably really annoying as well, always asking them to pose for my camera! Muahhahaha. Sorry peeps.
All in all, Muse has got to be my favourite concert ever; seriously trumps every other live act I've seen so far in my life and that has surely got to be something. I mean, I've seen Phoenix, Bloc Party + Interpol; all of which are known to be tight on stage. But no, it is surely Muse who own the stage. They were impeccable. And I shall end with some words; It is so true what they say about the Muse live experience; there are no words to express their sheer epicness and you must attend one of their shows to fully appreciate their offering to music.
Love is our resistance.
I'm seeing Muse tomorrow! I've bought my tickets for about 6 months already and now am finally seeing them at the Acer. As always, there's the obligatory complaining about Acer Arena and how far away and inaccessible it is. But seeing them will be so worth it tomorrow and I am so fucking excited. Oh Matt Bellamy, I get to finally witness your degree of epicness live.
And...I sincerely hope I do not get killed in the mosh pit by Muse fans tomorrow night. It's the first concert in Sydney as all the hardcore Musers are going to be there; wish me luck please!
I wouldn't stop for red lights
Delphic. Please let them win something amazing for their ethereal and absolutely stunning début album. Sometimes, I think they are utterly underrated. More people should listen to them.
So the inevitable has come, I am not going to Interpol any more and am trying in vain to find someone who is willing to buy such tickets off my hands. I've been very unsuccessful in getting ANYONE to come with me...with a few going overseas at that time and others just...well, not really wanting to go. That sucks. My mum initially wanted me to go to Interpol since she knows I really like them...but now that I'm selling them I think I'll be leaving for Hong Kong at around Christmas time. Hooray, what great fun. (That is imbued with much sarcasm thanks).
I'll be selling my tickets at a much cheaper price than those on ebay though i.e. at face value and not a scalper price...perhaps I should try that. Anyhow, if any of you peeps read this and don't listen to Interpol or just simply don't think they're that good. Please reconsider your stance. Interpol are fking great.
Please listen to: rest my chemistry, evil, pda, c'mere, nyc, precipitate, success, try it on. Thanks. You all suck anyway.
Anyway, Coldplay released a nice video. Intersting song though....very Viva La Vida esque Coldplay. When will A Rush of Blood Coldplay be back? Favourite era forever.
a heart of stone a smoking gun i can give you life, i can take it away.
Whenever someone asks me what I am going to be doing in university next year...I always get so self conscious now. I get asked this question almost everyday, 'oh what are you going to do next year?' 'how can you not remember your uac choices?' - of course I do its just that, I am so afraid.
Nothing's set in stone yet and all I am doing is waiting patiently for my ATAR. From then on, will I have the slightest clue of where my next step will be towards. Sometimes I wish to be back at school, knowing that I am just working towards the HSC or an end of year prize. But I guess it's time to grow up and take some initiative. University will be good, I know it. I feel like I am in limbo right now without any real direction. I'm afraid that what I'll end up choosing won't be right for me because in some ways, I guess I may be choosing it as a leaping pad for another career.
rome rome many tears have fallen here.
It seems like all I can listen to is 'Rome' by Phoenix. It's Anton's favourite song by Phoenix and it's slowly becoming my fave as well. I used to adore Armistice though perhaps have grown tired of it since I've listened to it for far too many times. There's something really heartbreaking in the way Thomas Mars sings about smoking cigarettes, 'ashes till it fall fall falls' I've also been watching the vid of Rome I took at their concert.... Guess I am getting pretty darn obsessed. Rome rome rome rome rome.....♥
No sleep, I lose everything.
Listening to: Waves by Metric
The seats on the gokarts weren't entirely comfortable either...everyone ended up getting bruises on their backs... I have one massive bulge on my back right now and it makes me look like Frankenstein's MONSTER. The degree of pain I am experiencing correlates to being...well, being punched repetitively in one area. Blah. My muscles ache as well, perhaps as a result from the incredibly stiff steering wheel. All in all, I hate gokarting but finally getting out of the house and talking to people was perhaps the most fun I had in a while.
On the topic with regard to my sister's friends; she's really blessed to have an amazing group of friends she had found at uni. They're all very sincere, kind and funny people. Talking to them makes me so incredibly excited to go to uni and opened a new optimistic mindset. I can't wait to meet new people and have the time of my life. I heard that uni changes many things and I sincerely hope uni next year will be one incredible trip. It's not that I don't like high wasn't really what I anticipated it to be from the perceptions I had of it in primary, but yes things should change for the better.
To accept the Versatile Blogger Award there are some rules to follow:Thank you Michelle
1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to seven blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
Seven things about myself:
- I hate long nails
- When I grow old and retire, I am moving to Geelong or anywhere that remotely resembles outback Australia.
- I've flown a plane before
- I am fascinated by lights, citylights, candlelights, the subdued sunlight in the afternoon....anything that illuminates and shines
- Speaking about lights, my favourite time of the day is the moment before it becomes dark
- Perhaps I am too sentimental for my own good
- Lately, I've been crawling back to listening to music that is not the latest i.e. Phoenix's 'It's Never Been Like That', Bloc Party's 'A Weekend in the City', Radiohead's 'Kid A' + 'The Bends' & The Strokes' 'First Impressions of Earth'
we shared a cigarette somewhere addict till it fall, fall, falls.
Listening to: Rome by Phoenix
I still remember heading off to Brighton Beach for a saunter in the sand. We didn't swim though, cause I guess we were quite lazy. After that, we drove to this place where they sold fresh Asian vegetables and keeping to my sentimental nature, I reminisced about the past as we drove through. I also remember going to Sushi Rio in the city very often for dinner as well. It was always the late night when we'd head off, around 8:30pm. The city was always filled with people and summer was truly alive then. Ah, I still remember accidentally heading off to the city on the Festival First Night of the Sydney Festival. We were actually really oblivious that that event was occurring as we drove into the city and our efforts in finding parking proved futile.
All in all, January 2010 was thrilling and unbelievably exciting. And here I am, 11 months into 2010 and all I can really think of was that stress free and determined attitude I had back then with all the memories associated with it. Nothing else in this world other than the music I listened to back then can bring me back to those days. Truly unforgettable.
paradise circus by massive attack, meet me halfway by b.e.p., little lion man by mumford + sons, breathe me by sia, while you wait for the others by grizzly bear, a community service announcement by jonathan boulet, remain by delphic, dog days are over by florence + the machine, sleepyhead (acoustic) by passion pit, home by edward sharpe + the magnetic zeroes & the good news by philadelphia grand jury
God I'm very, very frightened I'll overdo it.
"I wanna hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightened
I'll overdo it"
' know i dreamed about you, for 29 years before i saw you. you know i dreamed about you, i missed you for 29 years.'
a comment left on a video of fake plastic trees:
‘There is no verse in the history of music that is as hauntingly and infinitely sad than the closing moments of this song, starting at 3:30. It captures the futility of love like nothing else. When in love, the absolute most important thing is to be wanted by that person. It consumes our thoughts and in the end it wears us out. We can never really make that person happy all the time and the inevitable failure comes. Yet we keep putting ourselves through it. We keep thinking we can conquer love.’
‘There is no verse in the history of music that is as hauntingly and infinitely sad than the closing moments of this song, starting at 3:30. It captures the futility of love like nothing else. When in love, the absolute most important thing is to be wanted by that person. It consumes our thoughts and in the end it wears us out. We can never really make that person happy all the time and the inevitable failure comes. Yet we keep putting ourselves through it. We keep thinking we can conquer love.’
songs are only as sad as the listener.
I have a strong inclination to just listen to Radiohead now. I'm tired of contemporary pop/indie/synth/electro/rock music. Honestly speaking, they are amalgamating together to sound the fucking same. But Radiohead, oh how you 'gratify' my senses. (in inverted commas because its kinda a quote from Frankenstein - I know; shoot me, please).
Guess if I just have one band to listen to forever, I'd choose Radiohead. You simply can't go wrong with it, you know? I still feel so overwhelmed with sadness when I listen to Fake Plastic Trees. Probably one of the most fragile songs ever written on Earth. I mean, who won't crumble when Thom Yorke's delicate voice sings, 'If I could be, who you wanted all the time...'
I cry and I die.
And 'Reckoner'....Crumbling, yet again. 'Cause we separate like ripples on a blank shore' Oh Thom, you just have an amazing way with words don't you?
I'm rethinking about my funeral songs. I used to really want NYC by Interpol or Kreuzberg by Bloc Party. As soon as I heard Saeglopur by Sigur Ros, I put down that as another consideration. But fuck that, I think I want Radiohead at my funeral. Lucky for those in attendance to be greeted with such amazing music. Please farewell my passing with the greatest of....well, I dunno. Why am I anticipating my own death? Anyway, I think death is scary. Whenever there's something wrong with my body...I get scared. I think, what if this was a serious thing that's happening to me? Will this be the last day on earth? A million thoughts run through my brain and I continually think over the things I could've done better and the other things I wish I didn't do. But that's life for you. ONE DAY THIS WILL ALL BE OVER. AND WE'LL DRIFT OFF INTO SOME SPACE I DON'T KNOW WHAT YET. Heaven seems like an extremely romantic idea. But I'm a realist. I always believe that after death, we simply black out and decompose, as we are to do anyway. Upon death, nothing I write or anything I do will ever matter anymore. Conversations said with past friends, lovers, families.....and all will be lost forever. ONE DAY WE WILL ALL BE GONE. And when you're all gone, only then will people start to miss you. ISN'T THAT A SAD AND TRUE FACT? I mean Michael Jackson, nobody ever valued him when he was alive. But when he suddenly passed away, millions of fans were left extremely depressed and torn by his passing. And those facebook groups made when someone dies wishing them to 'RIP'. It's a very kind thing to do, a kind act to respect someone who probably died of unfortunate consequences. But there's only one thought that lingers in my mind whenever I see those groups and it's just, 'its so unfortunate that they'll never see this ever'. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to be alive to see your own funeral, to see so many people caring about you? But alas, THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Why do we only value others when they are truly gone? It makes no sense. Perhaps the world could be a better place if we started to treat everyone as if they were to die tomorrow or something. One would truly value their moments with the other...
I'm sorry for the somewhat cynical or dark views presented here.
It's somewhat a stream of consciousness I am typing out.
Everything can easily be related to death, you know.
Guess if I just have one band to listen to forever, I'd choose Radiohead. You simply can't go wrong with it, you know? I still feel so overwhelmed with sadness when I listen to Fake Plastic Trees. Probably one of the most fragile songs ever written on Earth. I mean, who won't crumble when Thom Yorke's delicate voice sings, 'If I could be, who you wanted all the time...'
I cry and I die.
And 'Reckoner'....Crumbling, yet again. 'Cause we separate like ripples on a blank shore' Oh Thom, you just have an amazing way with words don't you?
I'm rethinking about my funeral songs. I used to really want NYC by Interpol or Kreuzberg by Bloc Party. As soon as I heard Saeglopur by Sigur Ros, I put down that as another consideration. But fuck that, I think I want Radiohead at my funeral. Lucky for those in attendance to be greeted with such amazing music. Please farewell my passing with the greatest of....well, I dunno. Why am I anticipating my own death? Anyway, I think death is scary. Whenever there's something wrong with my body...I get scared. I think, what if this was a serious thing that's happening to me? Will this be the last day on earth? A million thoughts run through my brain and I continually think over the things I could've done better and the other things I wish I didn't do. But that's life for you. ONE DAY THIS WILL ALL BE OVER. AND WE'LL DRIFT OFF INTO SOME SPACE I DON'T KNOW WHAT YET. Heaven seems like an extremely romantic idea. But I'm a realist. I always believe that after death, we simply black out and decompose, as we are to do anyway. Upon death, nothing I write or anything I do will ever matter anymore. Conversations said with past friends, lovers, families.....and all will be lost forever. ONE DAY WE WILL ALL BE GONE. And when you're all gone, only then will people start to miss you. ISN'T THAT A SAD AND TRUE FACT? I mean Michael Jackson, nobody ever valued him when he was alive. But when he suddenly passed away, millions of fans were left extremely depressed and torn by his passing. And those facebook groups made when someone dies wishing them to 'RIP'. It's a very kind thing to do, a kind act to respect someone who probably died of unfortunate consequences. But there's only one thought that lingers in my mind whenever I see those groups and it's just, 'its so unfortunate that they'll never see this ever'. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to be alive to see your own funeral, to see so many people caring about you? But alas, THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Why do we only value others when they are truly gone? It makes no sense. Perhaps the world could be a better place if we started to treat everyone as if they were to die tomorrow or something. One would truly value their moments with the other...
I'm sorry for the somewhat cynical or dark views presented here.
It's somewhat a stream of consciousness I am typing out.
Everything can easily be related to death, you know.
So I've been landed with a casual job at a food shop in Pitt Street Mall + also a job at The Brain....writing section 1 AOS answers (omg.)
- There are SO many gay people who work in Pitt Street Mall and srsly speaking, they are by far the NICEST customers ever! Gah! I love it when they come in order food, they are so kind about the 5 minute wait as we prepare their food and so darn fashionable. Love them heaps!
- The new refurbished Pitt Street Mall is exactly like the shopping centres in Hong Kong. I am absolutely serious. I don't need to go to Hong Kong anymore....I just simply need to head out to Westfields and bam, Hong Kong - there I am. (except the Chinese People are replaced with .... other people I guess)
- I want to dye my hair peroxide blonde and colour it with streaks of light blue. Though, as I hinted this to my mum she said she'd disown me. Great.
- I really need a new hair cut - though my mum doesn't want me to get one as she is very confused as to what I can actually cut; given how much hair I
The Atlantic was born today and I'll tell you how

It's weird to know that both the Tipps formal and the school formal are over now. Odd isn't it? That would truly be the last time we'd congregate together as both a grade and a class. I must be the most boring blogger on Earth, dwelling on how fast time flies and doing nothing about it.'s just so hard to swallow - that the familiar routine of going to school 5 days a week is absolutely over.
Both formals were great. The Tipps formal was held at Watersedge in the Rocks by Sydney Harbour - an amazing venue indeed. The music was pumping inside the venue with rnb songs I had no idea what their names were yet I was drawn outside to the balcony and to just look at the harbour - with all the lights reflecting from the water and trains crossing the bridge. On the other side of the Harbour was Luna Park, with the wide open smile of the Luna Park entrance overlooking the Harbour. Looking at Luna Park brought back glorious memories of seeing Phoenix earlier in the year and I sigh - it's been more than 8 months since that night; truly unforgettable and the memories are still so fresh in my mind....fade out, again
The school formal was held at Sheraton on The Park, an obvious upgrade from the Year 10 formal venue of Sheraton Four Points. I was greeted by the warm smiles of my year adviser and the two deputies as I entered the venue. It was a mixture of both happiness and sadness as I saw their friendly faces - knowing for one how kind they were to see us as we entered the formal and sad as I'll not see them on a daily basis no more. Perhaps it is just St George but so many people left the formal early. I stayed till midnight and by then, there were only a select few who were still prancing around on the dance floor. I felt overwhelmed by it all....
Life is a weird trip.
Somebody to Love
Currently really obsessed with this song. It is so freaking catchy and can I say, actually pretty well written. Justin Bieber doesn't sound whiny here at all! So...uhm, kudos to him...
A moment...
Finally signed out of high school and now, other than waiting for an edited reference letter, I'm not a student of the school anymore. These 6 years have gone by too quickly and is perhaps, too hard to comprehend. The sentimental side of me is just reminiscing about it all...and feeling a little lost at how this is truly all over now. Going back to school to do the HSC made me feel as if I was still a part of it all but now, not quite. It's a little saddening to see how Year 11s have already colonised the study areas of the library as their own now whilst others are working out of those temporary 4Unit textbooks that I had only used a year ago. Time flies by too fast and I seriously did not cherish every moment. I guess I had been one who was eager to leave. Not everything was the best in high school but every now and then, I look at those wearing school uniforms on the streets and really wish that I was one of them, one of those kids who were still attending high school.
Anyway, what good is it lamenting over the past now?
The real issue is, I never realised at how quick this would be all over. I truly underestimated time's power...I miss it all already.
General List of Things.
- The new facebook, 'see friendship' page makes everyone sound like they're in a relationship with that person. e.g. 'John Smith and Kerry Jones' --> doesn't that sound like a wedding invitation? :S (maybe its just me...but its just an observation o_O)
- So....I guess the transition from high school to uni means that people go clubbing. I'm seeing so many clubbing photos of my 18 year old friends online now...and for some reason, it makes me feel so uncomfortable looking at them. I cannot honestly picture myself doing what they're doing - donning party dresses and posing for pictures... In so many ways, I still feel like a little girl; I'm not ready to grow up
- Formal shopping is an absolute bore. I really hate it. It doesn't help when half the dresses are either a) out of the price range or b) not pretty....
- I kinda love the unpredictability of the weather. It's funny to see people heading out in summer gear then coming home drenched by the stormy weather. I must be the most unsympathetic person out there with regard to weather misfortunes.
- Who knew that singing Justin Bieber at karoake could possibly be extremely therapeutic (and fun)?
- Green Tea icecream is delicious.
Powderfinger - The Farewell
I saw Powderfinger at the Acer Arena on Saturday night for their farewell Sunsets tour. Acer was rather hard to get to initially, requiring a bus trip to Strathfield station then to Lidcombe and eventually Sydney Olympic Park. That was quite frustrating. Bertie Blackman and Jet were the two supports - both were quite good though I couldn't really get into the latter.
Most of the crowd were Aussie and it was quite hard to find another Asian other than myself and my friend, Cecilia. However, the main focus was the band themselves and they were amazing live. Honestly speaking, I never would've even thought to see them if they were not splitting but once I heard they were parting ways, I knew I had to seize the chance to hear them play their iconic songs once in my lifetime. Yeah...I really didn't even know half the songs they played but that was okay, the concert was great overall. Listening to My Happiness live with 15,000 other fans in the arena will be a moment I will never forget. It's spine tingling to hear everyone belt the same lyrics in unison, farewelling a truly iconic Australian band. Powderfinger ended the night with 'These Days' - a fitting end to farewell their incredibly successful music career.... It was a bittersweet moment and that was it, the ultimate goodbye.
I'll be uploading a few vids on youtube soon. I want you all to feel the intense energy of the fans singing along to My Happiness and These Days. So surreal, so amazing.
Dear Mark Zuckerberg
Hey yo Mark. I know you all tech savy and shit, I really freaking appreciate your efforts in elevating the enjoyable aspects of stalking. But srsly, NO FUCKING WALL TO WALL? WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM HUH? I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT MY FRIEND WROTE AND NOW I MUST OPEN A NEW TAB TO REPLY SO THAT I CAN SWITCH BACK AND FORTH.
I don't have that good a memory!!! Srsly......way too inconvenient. And yes, I think the font size is way too small. The new interface is clearly a downgrade and not appreciated. With every facebook change, there is bound to be inevitable dislike. However, I've never complained about it but I must say, this new move is facebook going backwards. Mark Zuckerberg, is it because you watched 'The Social Network'? I'm sorry if they portrayed you as a wanker, sociopath retard, but you don't need to take revenge upon us...normal facebook users. Perhaps you could hack into the director's account and do malicious harm to it, whatever.
I don't have that good a memory!!! Srsly......way too inconvenient. And yes, I think the font size is way too small. The new interface is clearly a downgrade and not appreciated. With every facebook change, there is bound to be inevitable dislike. However, I've never complained about it but I must say, this new move is facebook going backwards. Mark Zuckerberg, is it because you watched 'The Social Network'? I'm sorry if they portrayed you as a wanker, sociopath retard, but you don't need to take revenge upon us...normal facebook users. Perhaps you could hack into the director's account and do malicious harm to it, whatever.
Rant over. Thanks. I demand an applaud.
"Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."
- Jodi Picoult; My Sister's Keeper
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."
— Maya Angelou
"Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?"
— Haruki Murakami
- Jodi Picoult; My Sister's Keeper
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."
— Maya Angelou
"Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?"
— Haruki Murakami
They took off for the mystery zone
This song is fucking great. Builds up appropriately, leaves you wanting for more. Gosh, I shouldn't have left Spoon just there in my iTunes library...should listen to them more.
Anyhow, Happy November. Scary how October's over already...though I don't have much recollection of what happened during October except I was stuck at home studying for the HSC. Not fun innit? The other recollection I have of October is excessive tutoring at Tipps...3 and 4 hour sessions for around 4 times a week (during the holidays). It was long and gruelling, I honestly thought they were never going to end...and now the reality is that, I'll never be sitting there learning and doing maths anymore. Weird how times flies...moreso scary. Strange. Though, I must those tutoring sessions were pretty fun though, given that my tutor made us FOOD (AWESOME NOODLES AND STUFF) to satisfy our hunger (due to the need of brain food).
I don't know what's up with my body but I haven't been sleeping well lately. I always fall asleep almost an hour after I first lie in bed, so it gets rather uncomfortable. It's probably a naive way to fix my retarded body clock, but I've been trying to wake up that I become more exhausted by night. But what do you know? It's not bloody working. I'm fine right now, pretty darn pumped (though not for any more chemistry nor physics). All I want to do is just, well, watch videos on youtube and have fun (though alas, I cannot because I am stuck in this rut called the HSC). Anyhow, I'M AN INSOMNIAC! Gosh, I really will endeavour to fix my up sleeping patterns after all these exams....Blah!
Anyhow, Happy November. Scary how October's over already...though I don't have much recollection of what happened during October except I was stuck at home studying for the HSC. Not fun innit? The other recollection I have of October is excessive tutoring at Tipps...3 and 4 hour sessions for around 4 times a week (during the holidays). It was long and gruelling, I honestly thought they were never going to end...and now the reality is that, I'll never be sitting there learning and doing maths anymore. Weird how times flies...moreso scary. Strange. Though, I must those tutoring sessions were pretty fun though, given that my tutor made us FOOD (AWESOME NOODLES AND STUFF) to satisfy our hunger (due to the need of brain food).
I don't know what's up with my body but I haven't been sleeping well lately. I always fall asleep almost an hour after I first lie in bed, so it gets rather uncomfortable. It's probably a naive way to fix my retarded body clock, but I've been trying to wake up that I become more exhausted by night. But what do you know? It's not bloody working. I'm fine right now, pretty darn pumped (though not for any more chemistry nor physics). All I want to do is just, well, watch videos on youtube and have fun (though alas, I cannot because I am stuck in this rut called the HSC). Anyhow, I'M AN INSOMNIAC! Gosh, I really will endeavour to fix my up sleeping patterns after all these exams....Blah!
Society and Mankind
That's it. I think I've lost all faith in society and mankind.
You must be kidding me. A freaking movie about Justin Bieber? How long has this kid been around for anyway huh? Not long. And 16 years worth of lifetime on this planet....I don't think he has adequate experience to guide others to 'Never Say Never'. Blah, Bieber, you were just scouted by whoever on youtube ya know? Blahhhhh!
You must be kidding me. A freaking movie about Justin Bieber? How long has this kid been around for anyway huh? Not long. And 16 years worth of lifetime on this planet....I don't think he has adequate experience to guide others to 'Never Say Never'. Blah, Bieber, you were just scouted by whoever on youtube ya know? Blahhhhh!
What is with this world? Nothing seems to be making any bloody sense nowadays.
Hell yes, I am procrastinating. Only done 2 freaking exams and I am ready to shoot myself...I procrastinated the whole morning by going on net-a-porter, looking at dresses I wish I could wear to my formal...but can't buy since they're all out of my budget...(by a lot to be exact). Went on urban outfitters as well; they're having free shipping...found a pair of leather shorts and now I do not know whether I should buy them or not. I've always wanted a pair though.
Hayfever strikes again in this weather. I went out for a afternoon stroll yesterday up my street and they wind blew violently and I came home feeling incredibly itchy in the nasal and throat passage. Took telfast and oh! I felt better immediately. The itch is still there but it's not unbearable.
I simply cannot wait until Monday....that would be the day where I'll pour out all of my Extension 2 maths knowledge onto the exam paper and walk out, never having to solve another complex number problem ever again. I'm hankering for that feeling...I know it will feel liberating, similar to that feeling I had after I finished the English paper. Never will I be required to analyse something that I don't believe in i.e. that a photograph can seriously capture messages of belonging (all because that's what the composer seriously intended for ey?). Free me!
Hayfever strikes again in this weather. I went out for a afternoon stroll yesterday up my street and they wind blew violently and I came home feeling incredibly itchy in the nasal and throat passage. Took telfast and oh! I felt better immediately. The itch is still there but it's not unbearable.
I simply cannot wait until Monday....that would be the day where I'll pour out all of my Extension 2 maths knowledge onto the exam paper and walk out, never having to solve another complex number problem ever again. I'm hankering for that feeling...I know it will feel liberating, similar to that feeling I had after I finished the English paper. Never will I be required to analyse something that I don't believe in i.e. that a photograph can seriously capture messages of belonging (all because that's what the composer seriously intended for ey?). Free me!
Dark Storm
I recently downloaded The Jezabels' newest EP, only to preview what it sounds like. And oh my goodness, definitely buying it after the HSC once I get time to stop by JB and stock up on some cheap CDs. The Jezabels definitely have got something going on there, they are seriously going to be so big when a big gun picks up their records and spins them. I am not forming coherent sentences right now since Paper 2 is over now...Ha! But wow....The Jezabels' Dark Storm EP is simply sensational. I am so smitten with this band. And what's even better is that they are Australian! Amazing stuff.
Dark Storm by The Jezabels
Dark Storm by The Jezabels
The importance of the comma
It's true what they say when they talk about punctuation...Without the use of a single comma, a sentence's meaning can totally change. Take for example a tweet from Oyster magazine:
'Billy Corgan is fucking amazing kids! #fb' Oyster Magazine
Really? Is he having sex with 'amazing kids' at a concert? Scandalous! And how does Oyster magazine have the dirt on this?
Perhaps the tweeter meant:
'Billy Corgan is fucking amazing, kids!' Yeah, he probably is awesome.
For a fashion magazine with an image focusing on the latest 'cool' frontrunning fashion and culture...such a mistake is laughable. I never bought Oyster and will probably never buy it now...I'm afraid I'll be finding more of such laughable clauses littered throughout the mag...
signing off.
HSC Starts...tomorrow
hey sgghs year 12,
good luck for tomorrow and beyond!!!
good luck for tomorrow and beyond!!!
Studying for my HSC, obviously.
Look what came in the mail today!!!

Your Love by The Aston Shuffle. Wow.

All I need is now
a) to be in Australia when the concert is on and
b) Have someone to come with me.
Your Love by The Aston Shuffle. Wow.
I must become a lion hearted girl
Things I don't like:
- When adults reply to my emails and don't use proper letter writing when I did in the first place.
- When people self diagnose themselves by checking up the internet. HUH?
- When we are encouraged to find language techniques e.g. tautology, metaphors etc. YET in our own creative writing, we are discouraged to use some specific ones since they are sometimes rather clichéd. WTF
- I hate it when people are insensitive.
- I don't like it when some people are so thick to the point they can't sense there's anything wrong - emotionally.
- I don't like House and Cuddy's new relationship. It's disgusting, please break up ASAP.
- I hate it how people plagiarise Calvin Harris' beats.
- I don't like long fingernails
- I despise the taste of purple onions. It is disgusting.
- I hate it when some old people push people on the trains etc
- I don't like it when some people always tell you to move on the trains because they're about to get off, when you are also about to get off. This happens at Kogarah. Far out, I understand if you don't catch this train often...BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A FREAKING COMMUTER TO ME WHO GETS OFF AT KOGARAH EVERYDAY, so if you were more observant, perhaps you'd realise that people wearing MY SCHOOL UNIFORM GET OFF OKAY? FAR OUT.
- I don't like it when....Well, I don't like this girl in my school maths class. She's a freak at maths though apparently, when people ask her shit she's always like, "OHHH I DON'T KNOW!!!' WELL, IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW, OUR MARKS IN THE HSC ALSO INFLUENCE YOURS SO IF YOU DON'T WANT US TO DO WELL AS A COHORT, YOU ARE JEOPARDISING YOUR ASPIRATIONS FOR YOUR INCREDIBLY HIGH ATAR COURSE AS WELL, FUCKER.
- I don't like it when some people change when they meet new people. They tend to neglect others. I kinda do try to talk, yet they don't really care. So I don't really care either in the end.
- I hate it when people say that Coldplay is shit. They're not shit. You're shit.
I sound really angsty and annoyed. Kinda am.
Sexy Song.
This is probably the song I love most from Interpol's 4th album. Success.
I think the sexiest aspect of this song is definitely the bass line.
What magic. Pure magic.
It sounds sexy. and makes me feel like a badass as well.
'I have succeeded, I won't be here for long. I'm not supposed to show you, I've got two secrets but I've only told you one....'
I think the sexiest aspect of this song is definitely the bass line.
What magic. Pure magic.
Only the young can break away.
It probably isn't truly the most appropriate time to mention this, but this song reminds me of the 'synthetic Vangelis' score in Blade Runner. Though, Brandon Flower's 'Only the Young' has amazing ethereal sounds that differentiate it from being entirely associated with the movie...
Studying makes me so tired! At the end of the day, I'm ready to slump on my bed and sleep the night away. I can't wait until the 4th of November...the day when I'll be entirely free. Although I do not want to lose all my knowledge of the shit I've studied for so long....especially this 4 unit maths shite. Gah, I am starting to ramble.
Anyway, enjoy the song. I quite like it.
I bought Interpol tickets.
There's a large probability I won't go, despite me having them.
So I'll be announcing this: IF I DON'T GO, IS ANYONE WILLING TO BUY THEM OFF ME?
I'll sell them to you for the price I paid for them, nothing less and nothing more - So it'll be fair and square.
Though I am secretly hoping that I'll get to go, not the other way round cause dang it...I love Interpol.
Sweetheart bitterheart, now I can tell you apart.
I'm rather baffled as to why I took legal studies in year 11. I didn't even enjoy commerce in year 8 so why would I 'enjoy' legal in year 11? Yes...well, as a matter of fact, I am also rather glad that I took it so that I now know how much I don't give a damn about the law etc. Well yes, I do comply with it but the legislation and the practices that go with it really do not faze me. And honestly speaking, I've pretty much obliterated everything legal related from my brain. What constitution? What legislation? What is Common Law? If I were to answer the last question now, I really wouldn't have a clue. Ah! Dropping legal was seriously the best decision I've ever made and here I was thinking of dropping physics. How stupid and downright silly was I?
Anyway, to console my very agitated and paranoid self...I've decided to live by this Chinese proverb: 塞翁失馬,焉知非福. Calm down Katie, calm down.
Interpol 2011
So...going to Interpol in 2011? PROBABLY NOT. I am unbelievably devastated...I MEAN I WANT TO BLOODY SEE INTERPOL OKAY? But no! I am going to the UK. Fark, I am not excited about that at all...cause I'd rather see Interpol and The National.
I hate this.
And so in order to compensate for lost time. I've decided that I'm just going to a gig in the UK. Whatever. ><"
so don't forget me or what you want
Plans by Birds of Tokyo
'We made plans to kiss the sun at night.'
How did I get here?
The reality of leaving high school forever is finally sinking in. It's both a scary yet thrilling experience simultaneously. No more would the sheltering be there anymore and off we venture into the real world where school will no longer be our primary preoccupation. 13 years of schooling have all condensed to this one day, this final day of walking out of the gates of St George as its students. Sure we'll be back for the HSC and signing out, but it will be different. Parting is such a sweet sweet sorrow, but we all knew that this was coming, didn't we?
I didn't cry at my graduation. Yet I know I am very sad. I'll miss St George, even though I didn't like it very much for a long time. But I've grown up there and leave the place with fond memories. Ah, 6 years of being stuck in Kogarah. 6 years of my life which I'll treasure. So long St George Class of 2010, you've been good. May each and every one of you venture into fields that you love and perhaps, at our reunions we could share stories of success and happiness. All the best girls and Good Riddance.
How did I get here?
The reality of leaving high school forever is finally sinking in. It's both a scary yet thrilling experience simultaneously. No more would the sheltering be there anymore and off we venture into the real world where school will no longer be our primary preoccupation. 13 years of schooling have all condensed to this one day, this final day of walking out of the gates of St George as its students. Sure we'll be back for the HSC and signing out, but it will be different. Parting is such a sweet sweet sorrow, but we all knew that this was coming, didn't we?
I didn't cry at my graduation. Yet I know I am very sad. I'll miss St George, even though I didn't like it very much for a long time. But I've grown up there and leave the place with fond memories. Ah, 6 years of being stuck in Kogarah. 6 years of my life which I'll treasure. So long St George Class of 2010, you've been good. May each and every one of you venture into fields that you love and perhaps, at our reunions we could share stories of success and happiness. All the best girls and Good Riddance.
this is like a flashback
I went to the physiotherapist yesterday since I've been experiencing pains in my neck for the past 3 weeks. Bad idea, I be only seeking professional help when the pain became unbearable. Anyhow, the physiotherapist was great! He targeted the painful muscles of my neck and gave me massages, to help soothe that area etc. Oh...and he did some weird stretches on my back, cracking my bones and all that...IT HURT BUT IT FELT SO GOOD.
ANYWAY, I woke up this morning feeling IMMENSE pain on my back. I guess its my muscles...because I don't ever exercise them. This post makes no sense. I hate English.
I like lazy Sundays...
ANYWAY, I woke up this morning feeling IMMENSE pain on my back. I guess its my muscles...because I don't ever exercise them. This post makes no sense. I hate English.
I like lazy Sundays...
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
This video captures my world; lights + lights everywhere.
Florence and The Machine's Cosmic Love.
Florence and The Machine's Cosmic Love.
Old People
Year 12; we've reached the end of the schooling ladder. This long gruelling race that we've run since 1998 is finally coming to an end. How do you feel? Relieved? Sad? Sentimental? We close an old chapter of our lives and open a realm of clean slates where we prepare to write new things into our somewhat short yet sweet lives of ours. It's hard not to feel old and mature at this age, being the kings and queens of high school. Yet on the grand spectrum of things, we're only tiny little butterflies only starting to take their first flight into the atmosphere of freedom.
In so many ways, I still feel like a 5 year old child. I'm not mature at all nor am I ready and I'm not gonna pretend I am.
Countdown (Sick for the Big Sun) by Phoenix
do you remember when 21 years was old?
In so many ways, I still feel like a 5 year old child. I'm not mature at all nor am I ready and I'm not gonna pretend I am.
Countdown (Sick for the Big Sun) by Phoenix
do you remember when 21 years was old?
Yesterday was my last day with my maths teacher at school and now, she's probably up in the air flying off to Europe to holiday. It's been a mere 1.75 years with her and oh how fast time has flown by. I can recall my initial thoughts of leaving high school and there wasn't a feeling of sadness within me as I am in fact, a little more than excited to leaving. But my maths teacher is different, she's someone so great, amazing and dedicated. She'll probably be the teacher I'll miss the most from high school. Oh, and did I mention that she's so loveable as well? I feel like tearing a little, knowing that yesterday was my last lesson with her. I'll really miss her and I hope that she will remember us year 12s of 2010.
The Sharpness of Death
Death - why be like so?
As I come across countless articles and news sources documenting recent deaths, I can't help but think that the luckiest of all deaths would be to die of old age, knowing that death is imminent. And what moves me the most are the sudden deaths, those of which cannot be predicted and occur out of the blue. Like those deaths of the tourists in the Philippines, like those ones in Earthquakes, like those killed as's so unfortunate. They all never knew they were going to die, that brushing their teeth, eating food, waking up to the morning sun and all these minor petty things would've been their lasts on Earth. How many families would have been wrecked? Earlier in the evening, a cop was shot in the head during a raid in Bankstown. I don't know of his condition, but I do hope that he is strong and pulling through. I don't want today to be his last day on Earth. I don't want today to be his last day waking up, brushing his teeth, driving off, eating......... the list goes on.
And with regard to the title? I don't even know why I named this post as 'The Sharpness of Death' just feels appropriate.
I don't even know
I don't know how people can be so happy all the time. Smile, says everyone.
Have I actually smiled genuinely lately? I can't recall the last time I did so.
It's bad to be unhappy all the time, but that's all I know how to feel. Feeling happy is not something I'm familiar with. And high school in a nutshell? I've felt 40% Happy and 60% Unhappy..most of the time. That's what these 6 years have really felt like. I feel sick, I don't want to do anything. I just want to sleep.
All summer drinkin water, trying to keep your eyes dry
This is the sound of what summer's spose to be.
The summer this year will be amazing...and the first obstacle of course is the HSC. Can't wait till post HSC.
You are the ever-living ghost of what once was
No One's Gonna Love You by Band of Horses
Kids are growing up way too quickly nowadays. As usual, I caught the train home today since I didn't feel like catching the bus. The train stops at Kingsgrove and in comes a bunch of girls from a nearby school along with a year 9/10 tech kid who was carrying a bag of one of those girls. The first thought that crossed my mind was, 'Wow, what a nice brother for carrying his sister's bag and waiting for the train with her' and I immediately felt touched and somewhat jealous of the sibling love that seemed to exist between the two. However, the pair sat down and the boy, whom I assumed to be the brother, started to place his arm around the girl and dug his head into her neck. You can only imagine my could I have mistaken a young pre-pubescent/sexually excited couple as brother and sister? Honestly speaking, the girl looked like she was in year 7, with baby fat on her cheeks and a lopsided pony tail which made her look like an innocent little girl. And the boy? Oh he looked much older than her and was the sole reason why I had mistaken them to be brother and sister.
Anyhow, it seemed as though they couldn't really control their hormonal/sexual desires and thus, started a make out show in front of me (not directly....they sat diagonally away from me). What the FUCK? The boy started to lick her....perhaps trying to give the girl hickeys or some shit, I don't really care. My horror quickly dissolved into laughter and I really struggled not to laugh at their faces in case some of their bodily fluids would get onto me....(not really. but you know, these kids nowadays can do ANYTHING...right?) Gross. The boy also had pimples on his little girl, you probably have pus on your face.
Perhaps they should stay home and really get a room.
Joshua Tree Under the Milky Way from Henry Jun Wah Lee on Vimeo.
the beautiful and ethereal sounds of sigur ros' music compliment the views of the brilliant star swept night so well.31.8.10
Growth and Maturation
Here is a blog link that would be relatively interesting to visit. It was the blog I had from Year 9 to the end of year 10. That would be the time when I perhaps..changed the most from what I was at the beginning of year 9 to the shaping of the person I am now today.
Here is a blog link that would be relatively interesting to visit. It was the blog I had from Year 9 to the end of year 10. That would be the time when I perhaps..changed the most from what I was at the beginning of year 9 to the shaping of the person I am now today.
Things change and oh how fast does time fly?
I'm finishing high school soon.
playlist of incredible instrumentals
- love like a sunset by phoenix (mostly instrumental)
- north by phoenix
- chinese sleep chant by coldplay
- alone in kyoto by air
- vocal chords by claude von stroke
- untitled by interpol (not really, though there is only one part where there are vocals)
- pulk/pull revolving doors by radiohead
- eple by royksopp
- sigur ros songs (even though some do have lyrics..but jonsi's voice is so soft and sounds like music alone)
Echoes from the otherworld turn horizons into endless ever present
life in dot point form:
- why is it still so bloody cold? i am freezing as i type this out and am also listening to klaxon's new album. they've gotten rid of 'nu rave' now...and they sound like an entirely different band. i personally think it is a good thing. i personally recommend: echoes, twin flames, flashover and venusia.
- i went to burwood today and ordered a shirt from general pants co. the guy who served me made me the way that i laughed at him. gosh, i wrote down my details onto the piece of paper and that was all done. he said thanks for writing stuff then and proceeded to say bye by saying, 'peace' and used the peace sign. wtf? it struck me as a bit weird then i just really wanted to laugh at him. who the hell does that...seriously? i blame it on weird hipster culture.
- i feel like listening to the yeah yeah yeahs now.
As an Australian with strong ties with the culture of Hong Kong, the hostage ordeal in the Philippines broke and tore my heart. I watched the news unfold, minute by minute, seeing all the terrifying action that went on in Manilla. It was painful to watch and utterly heartbreaking. People should never suffer like that and what makes it even worse is that these women and men were hostages, innocent people who went for a holiday and instead, became hostages. It has been confirmed that 6 out of 15 people are dead, some in critical conditions. Why? Why is this world like this? May the deceased Rest in Peace and may they find solace in whatever they believe in of the afterlife and beyond.
Yet, amidst all this action on the screen, I find myself annoyed at the insular world of others...namely on facebook. I'd like to think that they just don't update about worldly events, but if they were simply complaining about the weather, commenting on watching series etc and being completely oblivious to the hostage, I don't know what I can say....other than comment on how pathetic they really are.
I am utterly heartbroken. I had never shed tears in front of the television before and this time, I actually did. I'm beyond moved, the pain pulsates through my body.
Sorrow found me when I was young, sorrow waited, sorrow won.
Don't leave my hyper heart alone on the water
Cover me in rag and bone sympathy
'cause I don't wanna get over you
I don't wanna get over you
As of late.
- People change, it's inevitable. I've lost count of how many close friendships I have lost over the years, simply because that person had succumbed to external influences. Some of such influences are good in the way they become better people, perhaps more sociable and happier. Others change in ways through which destroys their whole personality and being in my eyes. I watch with disappointment, knowing that the close times I had shared with them and everything that we used to laugh at together may no longer be revived. It's an awful feeling losing a friend, (I guess I don't really lose them though, we just become distant.) the intimacy of the friendship will never reach its peak ever again nor will the convos. And sometimes...I feel like I am the only one who can remember anything in all my friendships. Do people really have that awful of memories? Or perhaps it could be that I am highly sentimental and place too much emphasis on maintenance of personal relationships. I wonder.
- People smoke too much in the city. Thanks to all you bloody smokers, my clothes freaking stink. I have resolved that I have contempt for smokers. Why is inhaling cancer so good? It baffles me. Don't smoke people, what's the beauty of having to fight lung cancer? Everytime I raise my concerns regarding lung cancers to my smoking uncle residing in Hong Kong, he'd always come up with arguments that would weaken my case. It annoys me, but I know I am still right.
- I never knew that Sydney had so many alleyways until my sister took me through this alley between two buildings on George Street that very much resembled those quirky ones in Melbourne. There were restaurants with outdoor seating, with their arrangements embellished with live floral decorations in beautiful hanging pots (?) and heaters that shone down, warming the customers sitting below. A busker was also nearby, strumming on his guitar and singing out the melodies creating such a vibrant yet comforting atmosphere. it's this juxtaposition between the modern architecture of the city with the rich and cultural aspects that keep me so fascinated whenever i drop by the city to have dinner. and the lights...ah. comforting.
Now my stomach is sick and it's all in my head.
I feel sick. Not physically, but emotionally.
There are just some things...that I don't know how to express anymore.
I used to tell people things...and would proceed to feel awful after telling...
Inception was great, I loved it. Films that deal with dreams fascinate me.
I want to construct my own dream world and have everything inside be reality.
Good things don't happen much here in this world.
Why am I always stuck in my own rubble? Perhaps in limbo I could create things that I've longed for in reality.
I am afraid. Of what? I wish I could articulate what I fear...and have a friend who would understand, not simply disregard it as something of my own imagination or fixation.
Oh my gosh
I just had the biggest mindfuck ever. Seriously.
And no, I didn't watch Inception...
I watched a video on quantum physics on youtube.
And now, I am basically really angry that we didn't choose quantum physics as our option topic at school. It is absolutely AMAZING and incredibly crazy. I can't believe this:
What is consciousness? WHAT THE HELL?
This may sound so nerdy, but after the HSC...I probably will read some HSC textbooks on quantum physics. It is so interesting and incredibly....scary.
Blah, I can't believe we're doing Medical Physics...quantum is real physics...medical? is also physics but seriously? It is nothing in comparison to 'from quanta to quarks'.
This post just made me sound like the biggest nerd.
And no, I didn't watch Inception...
I watched a video on quantum physics on youtube.
And now, I am basically really angry that we didn't choose quantum physics as our option topic at school. It is absolutely AMAZING and incredibly crazy. I can't believe this:
What is consciousness? WHAT THE HELL?
This may sound so nerdy, but after the HSC...I probably will read some HSC textbooks on quantum physics. It is so interesting and incredibly....scary.
Blah, I can't believe we're doing Medical Physics...quantum is real physics...medical? is also physics but seriously? It is nothing in comparison to 'from quanta to quarks'.
This post just made me sound like the biggest nerd.
they got nothin on you babeh.
What made my day?
That's a good question.
That's a good question.
Picture this: a high school girl walking into the Apple Store with her jersey on that says in CAPITAL AND BOLD letters, 'ANDROID'
Apple employee comes up from behind and exclaims, 'ANDROID IN APPLE STORE?!?!??!?! :O'
Girl reacts quickly with 'OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT!....SORRYYY!'
Apple employee walks back, 'I'm only joking, testing you if you're a tech you get it?'
Girl understands the joke and apologises.
Fark, I love hip geeky cool people.
MLIA!!!! (why is it my life is average? i'm using this in the my life is awesome context....)
Don't ever care 'bout what Napoleon says
Must remain composed throughout this post. Anyhow, INTERPOL ARE COMING. Now's the perfect time to reminisce - trackback to the 21st of February 2008...the day when I first saw Interpol/the day of my first ever moshpit concert.
Rahhh, I am so excited for them to come back..Although Carlos won't be there T_T
Man, I stood in front of him...and with the lack of Carlos? Odd indeed.

Rahhh, I am so excited for them to come back..Although Carlos won't be there T_T
Man, I stood in front of him...and with the lack of Carlos? Odd indeed.

For my birthday
I wish I wished for a functioning immune system.
I think I have the cold right now.
Bad timing, considering I have my physics trial on Wednesday and all I currently feel is lethargy. It all started with a dry nasal passage extending to chapped lips. I stared to drink heaps of water yet it did nothing, I only got worse. Now it's extended to my throat. Expect me to be bed ridden. Perhaps I may have to apply sick leave after all and do my physics on Thursday. Come on immune system, SOLDIER ON AND FIGHT THIS BITCH OF A COLD. =_=
I think I have the cold right now.
Bad timing, considering I have my physics trial on Wednesday and all I currently feel is lethargy. It all started with a dry nasal passage extending to chapped lips. I stared to drink heaps of water yet it did nothing, I only got worse. Now it's extended to my throat. Expect me to be bed ridden. Perhaps I may have to apply sick leave after all and do my physics on Thursday. Come on immune system, SOLDIER ON AND FIGHT THIS BITCH OF A COLD. =_=
i need the darkness someone please cut the lights
this song reminds me so much of blondie's heart of glass and i love it.
bliss. i am so jealous of everyone in that audience.
note to self: must go to arcade fire gig the next time they come round to sydney.
Embarrassing stuff...
Double but you know, I have a lot to say some days.
Anyway, I cringe at myself a lot...I always think that an idea/a thought may seem good at the time..but whenever I look at it from another angle afterwards....I really want to slap myself on the face.
Take for example..triple j
God knows how many freaking times I have tweeted to 'triplejsr' commenting with 'yay! i love *insert artist's name here* and have my NAME mentioned on bloody national radio. Yeah, it just occurred just then...when I tweeted her with, 'yay! i love interpol!' and then....she goes, 'This one's for Katie! She tweeted me on twitter saying to me how much she loves Interpol. Here you go, enjoy!' *smack my head* I must say, she's nice but oh how I cringe at myself. Same happened the other time when I wrote on triple j's facebook status updates exclaiming, 'oh phoenix, how I love thee'...and have that comment being mentioned on national radio yet again. Why do I always manage to find the best ways to embarrass myself as much as possible?
I guess they're all just being nice and interactive with their audiences...I'm not complaining. But I just can't help but cringe a little when I hear my name? Anyway, I am going to watch a Coldplay documentary on ABC. Goodbye peeps
Arcade Fire
There is a very good reason why things hype. It's simply because they are absolutely amazing and deserve the recognition. Take for example Arcade Fire's The Suburbs. It's been hyped for a while and I only got around to listening to it the other day. How do I feel about it? Incredibly impressed. Everything on this album is just love for my ears and I am head over heels for this album. This is the type of music that I've been pining for lately.
'Sometimes I wonder if the world’s so small,
Can we ever get away from the sprawl?
Living in the sprawl,
Dead shopping malls rise like mountains beyond mountains,
And there’s no end in sight,
I need the darkness someone please cut the lights.'
'And my old friends, I can remember when you cut your hair. We never saw you again, now the cities we live in could be distant stars'
'pray to god i won't live to see the death of everything that's wild'
'Sometimes I wonder if the world’s so small,
Can we ever get away from the sprawl?
Living in the sprawl,
Dead shopping malls rise like mountains beyond mountains,
And there’s no end in sight,
I need the darkness someone please cut the lights.'
Fave tracks off the album?
- Half Light I
- Half Light II (No Celebration)
- Suburban War
- Empty Room
- Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
were you far from home i'm with you now
Girlfriend by Phoenix
So, I have no more maths tutoring anymore. I don't know how to some way I'm actually rejoicing due to the fact that I need not to wake up at around 8:30AM on Sundays anymore and get the privilege of sleeping in. However, I'm mostly moping about it. Feels weird don't it? When something that you do so regularly just suddenly stops. I think I'll miss the close friends I made at tutor the most, you know the ones that attend other schools yet somehow find the most common interests with? This is year of lasts. And its only just beginning.
The trials have also started...and these tests are the last ones I'll ever take at St George. Make them worth it yeah?
And wow, it's August already. Time flies.
And here is some Phoenix nostalgia:
Listening to Phoenix at sunset? Utterly magical.
two more years so hold on.
2010: A year characterised with the domination of Justin Bieber's so called music (more like whining though I must admit One Time is so fking ridiculously catchy...I don't even like it but I listen to it cause its an earworm) and other synth driven pop tunes. Where has all the indie rock gone? In particular bands like Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, Interpol and all the like - all the bands which I fell in love with in 2007... I understand bands constantly progress and once an incredible album is made they can hardly go back and recreate such a gem again. That's with Bloc Party. As much as I actually love all their music, I can't help but get a little nostalgic whenever I listen to Silent Alarm. It is just the perfect album. I really bloody miss that type of music and there hasn't been any band recently that can exactly replicate what Bloc Party produced with their first album. Yeah yeah, I bloody love dance music, electronic and synth...but where did indie rock disappear to?
Bossing around juniors
I have thought you all ought to know what the highlight of my day really was: telling off a bunch of naive and stupid year 9s.
Basically, I was in the toilets and doing my usual business and after I come out of the toilets, I see a bunch of year 9 girls standing by the sinks and pressing ALL THE TAPS. They were wasting water, what a stupid and immature thing to do. Being all annoyed about it...the conversation basically went like this (with some year 12 arrogance on my!)
Katie: Excuse me, why are you wasting water?
Year 9s: Haha! We're practising for the SRC Talent quest. (they were laughing and thinking they were smartarses by this stage)
Katie: Oh, so your talent is wasting water yeah? (I said it really bluntly and PWNED them all)
Year 9s: Well, we're bored. And we have nothing to do
I think those year 9 girls don't like me very much. And as I told my maths teacher this anecdote she asked me with a laugh, 'Do you care they don't like you?'.
Not at all. I felt rather invincible and rejuvenated as I told them off. Props to power over silly and dumb juniors.
Win for Katie
Loss for Year 9s
Basically, I was in the toilets and doing my usual business and after I come out of the toilets, I see a bunch of year 9 girls standing by the sinks and pressing ALL THE TAPS. They were wasting water, what a stupid and immature thing to do. Being all annoyed about it...the conversation basically went like this (with some year 12 arrogance on my!)
Katie: Excuse me, why are you wasting water?
Year 9s: Haha! We're practising for the SRC Talent quest. (they were laughing and thinking they were smartarses by this stage)
Katie: Oh, so your talent is wasting water yeah? (I said it really bluntly and PWNED them all)
Year 9s: Well, we're bored. And we have nothing to do
I think those year 9 girls don't like me very much. And as I told my maths teacher this anecdote she asked me with a laugh, 'Do you care they don't like you?'.
Not at all. I felt rather invincible and rejuvenated as I told them off. Props to power over silly and dumb juniors.
Win for Katie
Loss for Year 9s
Sometimes I hate myself when I have too good of a memory.
I always seem to remember events that have happened long ago.
And nobody else does.
It makes me sad.
All I want to do right now is bury my head in Jonathan Safran Foer's 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'
Every time I read that book, I don't feel as alone.
Everyone who reads my blog must think I am an emo...or depressed a lot.
Not emo nor depressed..just sad.
i remember posting this . oh how i wish i could rewind time. i would've done what i did differently...instead of just sitting there.
fire fire fire
I always seem to remember events that have happened long ago.
And nobody else does.
It makes me sad.
All I want to do right now is bury my head in Jonathan Safran Foer's 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'
Every time I read that book, I don't feel as alone.
Everyone who reads my blog must think I am an emo...or depressed a lot.
Not emo nor depressed..just sad.
i remember posting this . oh how i wish i could rewind time. i would've done what i did differently...instead of just sitting there.
fire fire fire
crushed like a bug in the ground
as i walked out of maths tutor, i couldn't help but feel exasperated and overwhelmed. im surprised and shocked, time passes by so fast...i cannot comprehend it. i walk into the car and greet my dad with half a smile. i don't even want to talk. i dig out the cd i burnt months ago containing all the songs that i felt were the saddest and most beautiful. i place the cd into the player immediately and skip to 'let down' by radiohead. my dad drives off away from tutor and back home. i sit there, with my head against the icy window, rubbing the condensation away with my bare hands. i look up the sky, all i see are big rain clouds and the blinding lights from all the other cars on the highway. the music in the background drowns out every word my dad utters and the song fuels my sadness as we drive off. all i want to ask is why?
I never thought about love when I thought about home.
I've not updated my blog properly for a while. All that I've posted have been music videos and pictures.
The holidays are whizzing by so very quickly and I haven't exactly done anything that has left me feeling rejuvenated nor inspired. I can clearly remember last year's July holidays, boy they were fun and perhaps the most fun I had during 2009. Everyday was a new day, a new adventure (literally) and I'd go out and do whatever I pleased. Though in 2010, here I am, stuck at home and trying in vain to finish all that I've planned to complete these holidays.
Hello life (and people I've not talked to for a while), I miss you.
The Rain
Some wise wisdom from Calvin Harris. Put on a smile, it will be alright.
the bittersweet between my teeth, trying to fight the in betweens.
We lie beneath the stars at night
Our hands gripping each other tight
You keep my secrets hope to die
Promises, swear them to the sky
I must say, this is one of the most visually enthralling videos I have ever stumbled upon. However, this song/video makes me rather annoyed with how I am studying/wasting my life away at the moment. I wish I could do everything those people in the video are doing right now. It's what youth do, right? A life wasted in dwelling introspectively, moping upon past regrets and mistakes is not a life well lived. I know I do that myself...I'm going to try not to. Youth doesn't last forever.
Nothing lasts forever.

soon i'll be gone.....
it all felt like a dream didn't it?
i sure think it did. it happened all of a sudden, like a flash. and now that flash is still lingering inside my eyes and obscuring my vision to see correctly.
i don't know how to articulate this. im sorry.
but i don't want to leave yet. no.
im afraid.
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