
You're a zero!

Because I have succumbed to the temptations of procrastination, I shall be making a list...On what. I guess, a list concerning things about me....
  1. I hate having my hair fall out. I'm not concerned about balding or hair scalp problems but I'm just concerned about the DNA I'm leaving behind where ever I go! I feel as though I'm giving away who I am to the world.
  2. My astrological horoscope is Cancer the crab, hard on the outside, soft on the inside. That's precisely me, I guess I can seem to be tough but inside, I'm all soft and helpless.
  3. I'm jealous of a lot of people's relationships with their cousins. I never really had any deep connections with my cousins (except for maybe 1) but nevertheless, the lack of such relationships in my life makes me sad.
  4. I used to be overly materialistic in year 9. Fashion, supposed 'indie' music, attractive good looking people, smoking seeming cool and such were all that occupied my mind. I had a major 'breakdown' at the end of year 9, realising that such perceptions of the world were so narrow-minded and morally low. I've moved away from being that person I hated being. I guess I still like that stuff (except for smoking), but they're not the only things that matter in my life anymore.
  5. I can still recall the first epiphany I experienced...precisely when I was 5 years old. I remember asking my dad, 'Why do we have to go to school when all of us suffer the same fate, death?' (maybe not using those words but nevertheless). I guess I kinda astounded my father by asking such an introspective question.
  6. I like the pain inflicted upon me by needles but I don't like it to the extent that I go slice my arms. No, I just like it whenever I get an injection I guess. The pain is soothing. Gosh, I sound so emo, but I swear I'm not! I just don't really view the 'pain' as actual pain. (If that makes any sense)
  7. Contrary to what many people think, I can actually lie very well and I bloody well mean it. I guess I cannot lie for trivial matters i.e. hiding a friend's bag somewhere or rather, but I can lie when its absolutely necessary. And I get away with it most of the time XD
To be continued when my brain allows me to think of more things about myself. I kinda hate doing these about-mes cause they inflate your ego to unimaginable levels...however, I guess this time is different. Self discovery I'm guessing.

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