





6,697,254,041 is a big number.

6,697,254,041 in this world yet it feels as if I am the only one here amongst the music that filters through my headphones and plagues my brain with the most glorious of sights.

How many times have I ever said this? You are your only best friend... Nobody will care about you more than yourself. Take my word, its true. Do I sound depressed? I may as well be. In actual fact, behind all the fake smiles and eyes that seem to sparkle with optimism, there is a darkness inside me that will never be illuminated. I sound pretentious. But right now, at this moment of time, I don't feel like a human. I want to feel love but I can't. And no, I am not sad over a boy or whatever. In fact, its far from teenage romance or such.

I wish I wasn't so alone.


I just finished rereading 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'
I want to cry.

And this quote perfectly sums up my beliefs, 'I don't believe in God, but I believe that things are extremely complicated'. The more I read into this book, the more I feel. I want to read it all over again to feel all those sensations again.


Siberian Breaks

Don't ever let other people's opinion get into your way. So many people have labelled MGMT's latest musical offering as 'crap' and 'non-Oracular Spectacular-like'. With such low expectations, I prepared my ears for a wild trip through MGMT's music and was expecting to be disappointed. And was I? Not at all. Congratulations is psychedelic at its best and every song is so well crafted. Certainly there isn't a Time to Pretend nor a Kids but this is still MGMT staying true to their roots. It's very them and I could never mistake this record as any old record from any other band. The stand out tune for me would certainly be 'Siberian Breaks'. Although it may appear to sound a little fragmented at first, after a few listens it flows so well. And I especially love the end where a Let Down-esque sparkle can be evidently heard, it compliments the tune so well. Oh and who can forget 'Flash Delirium'? Although the video is frightening, the song is excellent. Now that I've put my opinion out there regarding Congratulations, I certainly hope I don't sway you too much that you have high expectations. Expect this album to be a grower.


The infrastructure will collapse

House of Cards by Radiohead

I feel so chill right now. It's Friday night and I'm at home, sitting here, half relaxing and half doing maths. I went to the hospital to volunteer today. It isn't my first time volunteering at the hospital but it was my first time going to the wards and talking to patients. I was honestly incredibly nervous before visiting the patients since I've never done such a thing before in my life and didn't really have any idea what to say. But it proved to be a pleasant experience and talking to the bed ridden patients was much more fun than I thought. Morgan and I talked to this elderly man first who skidded his arm on the pavement and thus, was admitted to hospital. He was so sweet and lovely, we both loved talking to him. It was a little strange first of all since we really didn't know where to start. I reckon its pretty hard since we have no idea of their backgrounds and don't want to offend them at all. You see, if I start asking about family...what if they don't have family? That will make them feel even more worse...Eh. We spoke to the gentleman for approximately 45 minutes and then moved to the other side of the ward, where there were a few old ladies who were desiring some company.

We volunteered for about an hour and headed home since it was starting to get a little late. Volunteering is quite rewarding. And it made me feel better on a personal level. The patients' appreciation is what really warms my heart.


Bulletproof...I Wish I Was

Doesn't it just depress you, knowing that one day, all that we do will be forgotten and no-one will remember? Noone will know the things that have made you feel proud, the names of lovers you have loved and missed, the things you have etched out on paper, the numbers you have calculated on test papers, the things you have paid for to use, the playlists you listened to when suffering from incredible insomnia....everything will be lost. And all we're left with after life will be a small grave and a coffin (perhaps ash if you want cremation) that will define who you are for the many years you have lived and endured. Perhaps I am not afraid of dying, I'm more afraid of being forgotten. It's inevitable. One day, noone on this earth will know who I am and noone will call out the name 'Katie Lau' and expect to see my face. . .

Sinking Friendships

I am more gutted of not being able to go to Jonsi than The Strokes. :(

jónsi - sinking friendships (live) from Jónsi on Vimeo.

School has been tiring and I'm starting to feel the consequences of lacking sleep. It sucks...my eyes are incredibly droopy right now and my bed/pillow seem to be luring me. Ahhh! Gotta do maths first though, eh.


Love is our resistance.

1. Mt Fuji in Japan
2. Year 11 Camp; Narrabeen


Cause I don't shine if you don't shine...

Q. Why does the song, 'Read My Mind' remind me so much of Japan?
A. Because of this:

I think I may be bordering a slight obsession with Tokyo now. I think I'll stop after this post..maybe. This video is a great substitute for those who cannot physically land themselves in the wondrous world of Japan. ♥ Can't wait to go to Japan again. Miss it so much. :(


Splendour in the Grass

I never intended to go to Splendour in the Grass, since its in Queensland..but I always thought I had a chance to go to the sideshows. But no, I placed a restriction upon myself and I won't be going to ANY whatsoever. I'll be missing out. But oh well, at least it will be worth it in the long run. Rationality? Yes.

2010 LINEUP: Prepare for EPIC-NESS. Ugh
the strokes, mumford and sons, the temper trap and band of horses, pixies, passion pit, florence and the machine, laura marling, grizzly bear, band of skulls, surfer blood, alberta cross, the drums, two door cinema club, lcd soundsystem, broken social scene, midlake, foals, frightened rabbit, goldfrapp, jonsi (sigur ros), black rebel motorcyle club, scissor sisters, the ting tings, hot chip, yeasayer, ash, ben harper and the relentless 7, we are scientists, richard ashcroft and the united nations of sound, k-os, delphic, school of seven bells and the magic numbers, angus and julia stone, empire of the sun, wolfmother, the vines, tame impala, paul kelly, operator please, lisa mitchell, midnight juggernauts, little red, space invadas, british india, oh mercy, the middle east, bluejuice, washington, whitley, dan sultan, cloud control, miami horror, clare bowditch, philadelphia grand jury, john steel singers, violent soho, the mess hall, jonathan boulet, boy and bear, gypsy and the cat, last dinosaurs, ernest ellis, tim and jean, yacht club djs plus more.


Thom Yorke

All I've been doing with this blog is embedding videos from youtube. Heh, apologies. I guess its because
I don't have anything constructive to write about and I'd rather let you view amazing vids than read my endless ranting.
Oh, but I do have one minor thing to comment about, regarding music from the year 2010. There have been so many new releases this year, all of which are pretty good quality/standard. However, this means that those artists releasing such amazing music will be touring. 2010 also equates to my HSC year and thus, I won't be able to go and witness such musical genius live in Sydney. Guess I'll have to wait until these artists decide to tour again...possibly in 2011 or even later.
I'm looking at you Jonsi and The Strokes.

+ I youtubed some Kate Bush videos last night, at an ungodly hour of 2:00 in the morning. Little did I know that Kate Bush is a fucking weirdo and her crazy looks in her videos scared the shits out of me. I'm never watching Kate Bush vids ever again..I'll just listen to Hounds of Love and try to imagine a pretty girl singing in the woods...not some psychotic woman looking at me dead straight in the eye with her mouth opened in a Joker-esque manner. Freak.

++ I went onto the Radiohead site to check out Thom Yorke's office chart. Can I say that he has an incredibly eclectic taste in music?!? He's into such hardcore rap and grime that's possibly to much for my liking. I respect what he likes but I cannot see myself getting into that kind of music. I'll just like what HE writes... Heh

+++ Turns out I had more to say than I initially planned.


Playlist for April Holidays

Music I'm listening to a lot of at the moment
  • Nothin' on You- B.O.B feat. Bruno Mars
  • Love Like a Sunset (Animal Collective Remix- Deakin's Jam) - Phoenix
  • Odessa - Caribou
  • Islands - The Xx
  • Opposite of Adults - Chiddy Bang
  • Foreground - Grizzly Bear
  • Sinking Friendships - Jonsi
  • Boys Boys Boys - Lady Gaga
  • Paradise Circus - Massive Attack
  • Flash Delirium - MGMT
  • Moths Wings - Passion Pit

Something Good Can Work

Two Door Cinema Club write such infectiously catchy indie pop tunes. I love their songs, in particular, the acoustic version of Undercover Martyn. Glorious.


My Flickr

I just updated my FLICKR. Perhaps you may like to take a look if its not too much of a hassle.
And also, I have a photo blog HERE.
Eck, shameless self promotion. I swear I don't that often...but yeah, just putting it out there.


"If you die, I'm alone' said House to Wilson

When House said that, my heart suddenly bubbled up with emotion.

True bromance. Aww


Some people think they're always right.

You Only Live Once by The Strokes

Oh dear god. Highlight of my day/night?
People commenting on my facebook status.... Lololol.
I updated my facebook with a song name, 'You only live once' and two people commented on it, thinking I was getting all philosophical and stuff. I'm just having a little laugh over here because they completely misinterpreted my status. Oh well...I guess status updates are supposed to be places where you say what you're doing. But I'm sorry, I don't do that often. If facebook were like twitter, I'd be updating my status every 5 minutes with different song lyrics. I'm a little crazy...like that. Ee!

I'm currently on a Strokes listening rampage...sucks that I can't go to their concert! Oh well, I'm sure they will come again in the future.


I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me

Paparazzi by Lady Gaga

Lately, I've been feeling rather sentimental and thinking about what I was doing a year ago. I was in Tokyo, discovering, observing and feeling the beautiful city before me. I wish I had the words to describe all the emotions I felt in Japan though it is quite impossible to do so, due to the lack of articulation on my behalf. I've raved on about Tokyo in my previous posts but I believe that everyone must go to Tokyo in some point of their lives. To me, I felt so alive and rejuvenated amidst the artificial landscape, moreso than lying under the stars at Duke of Edinburgh. I guess they are both different sensations but being displaced in Tokyo left a bigger impression + impact on me. I can still remember heading off to the red light district of Tokyo (without knowing beforehand that it was the right light district) at night and feeling extremely paranoid. I was constantly on the look out for potential rapists and prepared to use profanity if they ever came close...though that never occurred. And I remember trying to order noodles in noodle shops..it was honestly quite difficult. All that was conversed was a 'Sumimasen' and a direct point to a picture on the menu. I actually didn't know what was in it but it appeared delicious so I just followed my instincts anyway. Oh...there is one thing I will never forget though...the cute Japanese stranger on the train. ;) He was so adorable, in the way that he was leaning against the glass in such a strange stance and fully engaged with listening to his music with gigantic headphones on. He smiled at me as I accidentally tripped over him (or something like that) and I said a very touristy, 'Sorry'. I'm sure he figured we weren't locals. Ahhh, dearest stranger...I wonder who you are.


Swimming in the Flood

I fear drowning yet I am in love with water.
I love the bubbles that water creates, the sound of it trickling out of the tap, the smooth feeling of water as it flows and the spray of it on my face on a really hot day.



You know that I love you boy, hot like Mexico rejoice.

Finally uploaded one of the many Gaga vids I recorded at her concert... Take a look, she's an outstanding performer.


House and Wilson

There's no relationship that can get any better than Bromance.
I wish I was a guy..and so I could be in a bromantic relationship..not gay, just bros.
And the best bromance ever? House and Wilson. ♥

Wet behind the Ears

All photos from Wet Behind the Ears

Oh..and I enabled comments now...guess I'm interested to see interaction b/w my posts and people..who read it. =\ Eh? Comments will prob be gone when the OCD maniac within me decides to stop it.


I just registered for UMAT online...and some of my friends on facebook became fans of 'Medentry UMAT Prep Course'..Since I was curious, I clicked through and found myself on a website that went on and on about how it is crucial to have appropriate UMAT preparation as such. This is really freaking me out...because I don't intend to do UMAT prep courses.