

It seems to me that the world is abound with so many problems right now.
I don't pray but from the deepest place of my heart, I hope someday all these natural disasters will cease. But alas, they won't. The Earth must be experiencing some incredible change seismically. What can we do?
Yet in the midst of the change that is happening around the earth, the power of social networking has invariably brought people together. Humanity will strive through these hard times...RIP to all the victims of the quake. And to all the martyrs who fought for freedom in their countries namely Libya and Egypt. Progression is occurring. We're stepping into a different world to the one we were born into. In some ways, I feel proud for those tearing down dictatorships yet saddened for those who've died.

Times like these, my motivation to become someone who can lend a hand increases. I hope I will make it and someday, help out...as small as that sounds.


  1. "We're stepping into a different world to the one we were born into."
    Katie, that's beautiful. It's a perfect summation of life. Not only ours, but of millions of people's throughout history.

  2. Thank you for your kind words Mersini!
    It's terrifying isn't it? I cannot imagine what drastic changes the Japanese victims must be facing :(

  3. You're welcome!
    Those poor people. They're going to have to rebuild their whole country from scratch. That's not even mentioning the explosion of the nuclear powerplant which is probably dousing a whole area with radiation. It's just so terrifying.

  4. You see, I reckon that is the most terrifying thing of this whole disaster. The cities can be rebuilt, with sufficient funding of course...but the radiation? It's out of our control. Sigh...


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