
L’esprit d’escalier

the spirit of the staircase.
if only our winters were like this.


  1. Wow. What a breathtaking photo. Mountains, snow,pine trees, just wow, breathtaking.

    Also, I agree with everything in your previous post, despite having never studied economics either. It scares me that we're never going to be able to live on our own because we won't be able to afford houses. We're overly expensive here, and I don't see a good reason for it. This Carbon Tax is going to kill families who already can't afford to pay what they have to. Who the hell thinks these things out? I bet they don't have financial worries...

  2. I love this picture too!!! It makes me want to be in a cabin log thingo in the Alaskan mountains, sipping hot chocolate and reading a book by the fire. So typical!

    But yeah, its just a hard balance to find for the carbon price issue. I mean, it would be good to put a price on carbon cause it is our responsibility (as incredible pollutants of the atmosphere) but the financial side brings a huge toll on working class families. I wish there was a better solution to all of this, but what else can be logically done by the government other than collecting more money?
    It's just so hard.
    And yes, Sydney is incredibly overpriced. Can't seem to not spend less than 10 bucks a day now.

  3. You just described my absolute perfect scenario.

    True, but thing is, even if it is introduced, we have a tiny population, compared to the rest of the world. We're not going to be making that much of an impact. It's not just our responsibility, but the responsibility of EVERYONE alive, which is why I think it's a bit silly. Whatever we're pumping into the atmosphere, you can bet America and China and Europe are putting more.
    It is a solution, sort of, but not the right one. I wish they'd thought it out. To be honest, I think all they've thought about is the money they'll be getting.
    True that. It's hard to spend less than that a day. It takes me $5 or $6 just to get to uni everyday. Not to mention lunch...


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